Winning in 2016 & December Binary Income

First, let me say happy new year to all of the Binary Today readers. This year is going to be our best yet.

Today I will be setting new goals, making major announcements and making sure that we are all going in the right direction toward profit in 2016.

Binary Today Announcements

coming-soon nowI have a lot of big news today and that’s what this report is going to focus on.

I have acquired the rights to the top rated systems on Binary Today as well as some other web properties. This gives me access to the best binary options developers on the market and I’ve already been putting them to work for half a year to finish a project I’ve been working on for two.

Yes, I am coming up with a trading system.

This way you know it’s coming from a reliable source and someone that looks out for the best interest of this market.

I’m tired of the binary bullies pushing automated systems that lose people thousands. It’s time I do something about it, and I know my strategy will work for you.

In December I used my system for 70% of my tradingย to prove that it works and put my money where my mouth is.


Here you can see my trading approach in December. Trading volume down because I didn’t trade much during the holidays.

  1. Binary Today Trader (It’s Here!)ย +$12,450.25up-arrow
  2. Binary Ascendย +$3,220.35up-arrow
  3. Binary Options Bulletย +$2450.50up-arrow
  4. Binary Brain Waveย +$1400.00down-arrow
  5. Consultation +$0.00down-arrow
  6. Manual Trading +$0.00down-arrow

Total +$19521.10

This month I did no consultations or manual trading.

My main focus is clearly on my Binary Today system (I haven’t come up with a name yet). This system will use a manual trading strategy that I’ve used for years.

The best strategy I’ve ever used

It provides traders with ultimate flexibility, providing signals for 1 hour, 30 minute, 15 minute and even 5 minute expiry times. With this length of trade I can predict the market better than anyone else in binary options and it’s because of my favorite method.

Final Thoughts

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Last year I focused on hitting my 200K goal, this year my focus is on the Binary Today reader.

It’s my goal to dedicate my time to you.

If you don’t believe me, then email me, I’m a real person and together we are going to make 2016ย the year of the Binary Today reader.

With the release ofย my personal trading strategy in the coming weeks we will take back our trading accounts and achieve our goals.

Thank you so much for your continued support, this is truly your year.

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  1. mariana January 16, 2016
  2. Randall January 16, 2016
  3. Samuel Duodu January 14, 2016
  4. Brian R January 14, 2016
    • John Kane January 14, 2016
      • ntbrk January 17, 2016
  5. Sylvester January 13, 2016
  6. Martin January 13, 2016
  7. robert January 13, 2016
  8. mohit January 13, 2016
    • John Kane January 13, 2016
  9. Efstratios January 13, 2016
  10. Garrett Thurber January 12, 2016
  11. Emile Fitzmaurice January 12, 2016
    • John Kane January 12, 2016
  12. Tom January 12, 2016
  13. Taiwo January 12, 2016
    • John Kane January 12, 2016
  14. Chwa January 12, 2016
    • John Kane January 12, 2016
  15. Roz January 12, 2016
    • John Kane January 12, 2016
  16. Jim January 12, 2016
    • John Kane January 12, 2016

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