Binary Ascend

Binary Ascend is a binary options signal software that has forced it’s way into my daily trading routine. With a sharp tactical approach combined with direct instructions, this software is both simple and powerful.

As a skeptical trader I rarely ever find a system that suits my high level of standards and I had to trade this software meticulously for months to know if it was right for the Binary Today community. I know now, that it is right, and we have a winner on our hands.

Today I’m excited to provide you with an intensive review and let you know why this needs to be your next binary tool.

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Binary Ascend Introduction

step by step installation videos

Step by Step Installation Videos + Manual

In the past three months the Binary Ascend software has pushed ahead of my other daily trading systems.

During these last three months I started to test an undisclosed software, and with a strong first month showing of $3,125,70 in my October income report I knew that we had something here. In November (income report) I started to use ascend even more and posted $4,440.60 in profits using their signals. Finally, to finish off 2014, in my December income report I hit $6,450.25.

At this point, I feel the opportunities are limitless. With the holidays behind us there are going to be lots of trading opportunities this year and this software is primed to grow accounts.

Binary Ascend Video

Watch as I show how the software works and what you can expect when you join up.

Binary Ascend Versions

The binary ascend software provides signals as long as the market is active, so 24 hours a day throughout the week you can expect excellent trading opportunities. There are three different versions of the software and traders get access to all three of them for no extra charge or up sell.


My current setup of the software in MT4.

Low Risk: This is my favorite version of the software, it’s the version I recommend everyone start with because it is extremely accurate. This is pure plug and play, set this up and take signals whenever you get them.

Normal: This is close to the low risk except it gives up a little accuracy to provide more trading signals. There is still little to no in depth analysis required and I use this version regularly as well.

Aggressive: This is the last version of the software which spits out trading signals on a regular basis. I don’t like this version as much because it requires analysis and I don’t like to go over every trade signal with a fine tooth comb. Recommended for more advanced traders.

What I like about the three version aspect of Binary Ascend is it will allow you to grow and move from low to aggressive as you gain confidence so you can take more trades and increase your earnings.

Binary Ascend Signals & Important Aspects

The binary ascend software provides signals for multiple pairs but the pair the strategy is most effective with is the EURUSD. Signals will be provided to you all throughout the day and they will tell you specifically to PUT or CALL and the exact expiry time to set.

  • 30 minute expiry times
  • Built for the EURUSD
  • 24/7 Support and free installation
  • Free upgrades for all versions
  • Works with any binary options broker (no signup required)
  • Signals are sent via Email, MT4 on chart and MT4 popups/sound alerts

binary-ascend-signal1How it works?

Take a look at these helpful diagrams as they show how easy it is to utilize the software. You receive a signal, it tells you to place a call, with an expiry of 30 minutes. You open up your binary broker, place that trade and wait for the results.

call-or-putIt’s a simple enough process for anyone to follow and provides high end results that meet my expectations. I believe that ascend will stand the test of time and we will be able to get years worth of usage out of this tool.

This is an easy and professional investment opportunity, the kind I look for in my daily reviews here at Binary Today.

Binary Ascend Results

My three months with this system has been very fruitful, above you saw the money amounts I’ve gained in my income reports and now I’ll show you a break down of my trades. The stats are provided for you in wins and losses.


  • October 22-6
  • November 28-5
  • December 27-3


  • January 29-6
  • February 35-8
  • March 31-6
  • April 35-2
  • May 32-5
  • June 20-3
  • July 25-3
  • August 25-2
  • September 16-0
  • October 33-4
  • November 21-2
  • December 18-0


  • January 22-4
  • Febuary 12-1
  • March 24-3
  • April 11-1
  • May 20-3
  • June 24-2
  • July 12-4
  • August 8-18
  • September 21-8
  • October 5-1
  • November 10-3

Overall 570-99 (84.8% in the money)

Binary Ascend Conclusion

binary-ascend-boxI am proud today to be able to provide you with a real binary investment worth our time. I fully recommend and support the use of Binary Ascend.

With 10 different indicators being used this strategy is concise and triggers excellent trade opportunities all day long.

If you are new to binary options or you’re an experienced trader this software will provide you with the perfect fit and balance from all three versions.

I have a coupon available now for the first few days of launch so take advantage of it and lets make 2016 our year.


Join Binary Ascend With a 15% Launch Deal Coupon Now

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  1. Susan November 3, 2016
    • John Kane November 3, 2016
  2. Tarilate Beredugo August 4, 2016
    • John Kane August 4, 2016
  3. Sean July 7, 2016
    • hung August 8, 2016
  4. Josef June 30, 2016
    • John Kane July 1, 2016
  5. Businge June 21, 2016
  6. Susan May 25, 2016
    • Harish June 4, 2016
      • Susan June 9, 2016
        • John Kane June 9, 2016
          • Susan June 15, 2016
  7. Billy May 10, 2016
    • Harish May 18, 2016
      • Billy May 20, 2016
  8. Marion April 25, 2016
    • walter April 26, 2016
      • Marion April 26, 2016
        • Tim April 29, 2016
    • Ricky May 5, 2016
    • Vasile May 31, 2016
      • John Kane May 31, 2016
  9. Ben Z. April 14, 2016
    • Mike April 19, 2016
  10. Pablo March 18, 2016
  11. Diogo G. March 16, 2016
    • John Kane March 17, 2016
  12. Roger March 16, 2016
    • John Kane March 16, 2016
  13. Diogo G. March 16, 2016
    • John Kane March 16, 2016

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