Binary Brain Wave is a binary options software that I trust and use every single day. If you visit Binary Today frequently you will know that I rarely (if ever) give rave reviews, but this software has won me over.
Today I will provide you with a full review, walk you through how this works and how it will work for you. I will eventually make a full guide on how I use this software as well so stay tuned for that.
This is one review, I assure you, that you don’t want to skip!
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Binary Brain Wave Introduction
Now I will walk you through my experience with the binary brain wave software.
Often the process with a new software can be very difficult, but this is not the case with the brain wave. This software comes with a setup file which can be double clicked and will install the software for you. The members area is also very well laid out and provides you with easy to follow descriptions of the installation and how to trade the signals.
Here is a screen shot from the brain wave members area that shows the clickable tabs and areas that can be expanded to show more information.
The bottom line is the installation process is very simple (took me 5 minutes) and you aren’t required to sign up with a broker to gain access to the software. Which is a big plus in my eyes.
Binary Brain Wave Video
In this video I show you the site, the members area, the software, a real signal and live trade.
Binary Brain Wave Signals
The quality of these signals are excellent.
They have a very profound strategy that uses multiple indicators to filter out bad conditions and give you many different options. The strategy uses the 5 minute chart, and sends signals nearly every hour at the same time, 50 minutes after the hour. The expiry time is also 100% specific so you know exactly when to place the trade.
You would get this signal at 23:50 you would place a CALL trade and you would set the expiry for 40 minutes after, in this case 0:30. This makes it very simple to place your trade because there is no work required on your part except for placing the trade.
Binary brain wave signals come in three different ways:
- In MT4 on chart
- In MT4 in experts tab
This way you never miss a signal. Since there are very frequently signals with this software I tend to just trade right off the chart so that I can use my own knowledge in the trading process. In the trade example above we can see that the market is ranging which is when this software is the most effective. They talk about this more in the members area so even though they filter out bad conditions you can spot them yourself as well.
Important aspects of the binary brain wave software:
- Provides signals in all sessions
- Free installation and 24/7 support
- No required broker signup
- Provides over 10 signals per day
- Hitting over 80% accuracy for the past two years
- Free upgrades for life and no upsells (one time fee)
My Binary Brain Wave Results
I have been testing this software for the past 6 months and I have had outstanding success. Keep in mind I don’t trade every single signal they provide. I have a family, this web site, my own manual trading and other responsibilities. The stats are provided in W (Wins) – L (Losses).
- October: 14-2
- November: 26-7
- December: 22-4
- January: 25-5
- February: 15-6
- March: 33-6
- April: 15-3
- May: 21-5
- June: 18-2
- July: 22-1
- August: 19-4
- September 21-7
- October 15-4
- November 31-5
- December 14-0
- January 26-8
- February 29-9
- March 22-5
- April 20-1
- May 29-2
- June 18-3
- July 24-2
- August 38-4
- September 20-4
- October 21-5
- November 25-3
- December 17-1
- January 16-3
- February 21-3
- March 26-4
- April 10-0
- May 21-5
- June 35-3
- July 12-3
- August 14-25
- September 8-6
- October 14-7
- November 10-3
- December 21-4
- January 16-0
- February 11-4
- March 12-2
- April 18-3
Overall: 722-163 (83.1% winning)
Binary Brain Wave Conclusion
I am really happy to see a software as strong as the binary brain wave force it’s way onto the market. This is the type of software that all developers should be focused on designing. It is complex in strategy but simple in utility.
I recommend this software officially to all readers of Binary Today. I have gone out of my way to find a discount coupon they will be honoring for the first few copies sold, I will try to get it extended if I can.
15% Off Coupon: BINA-CODF-WAVE
( reviews)
Hi John – i noticed you stopped using Binary Brain Wave after the month of April 2017. If i may ask, is binary brain wave still performing well? and why is it no longer listed among the top rated systems? Thanks.
Hi Vitalis, I still use it, just not as frequently. In ranging markets it’s still a great option.
I bought the Binary Brainwave 2 or 3 years ago but then changed to Forex instead. I forgot I had it and now I’ve been running it on Binary Options for a week and it is really, really good. Most of the trades are ITM and if they’re not I make a new trade with the double amount. The worst scenario so far was three trades in a row before I got a win. But that was just one time. I guess 80โ90% of the trades I’ve taken were winning. I have only traded between 09:00โ19:00 GMT most of the time. Not sure if other times are as good as these, but it worked for me this first week.
I have started out with a small account (just Euro 180). I only made โฌ1 trades first. Then when I reached โฌ200 I started trading with โฌ2 in each trade. I will continue with that until I reach โฌ300 in my account (which I guess might be sometime next week). Then I will trade โฌ3.
After that I guess I can trust the system and start risk a little more in every trade. But the best way to make money is to grow slow. 2% a day is a pretty good strategy.
Very good Staffan.
I’m going to try a similar money management approach with Brain Wave. Going to buy it later today.
Hi Staffan,
Are you trading all the signals or taking help of Range Detector for looking at 30M and 1H ranging conditions??
Please is anyone still winning trades with BBW lately. If yes please share your strategy.
Thanks as I await response
Hi, this absolutely still winning. I recommend using my range detector to analyze signals that come in. That works great.
Pls can you help me with the download link of the range detector indicator?
Sure, go here Vitalis,
Hello John,
I made a wrong comment about BRIAN WAVE.
when installed (23/08) I received 3 OTM signals.
but I hit the configuration
now I’m very happy !!
24/08, I did 15-6
25/08, I’m 7-0
I am very grateful to you John for your help!
And I am very grateful to BRIAN WAVE team !!!!
Hi Gleydson, that’s great. This is why it’s always a good idea to stick things out and not make judgement too early.
Hi Gleydson, Are you trading all the signals or taking help of Range Detector for looking at 30M and 1H ranging conditions??
Been on BBW after purchasing, and no signal or alert for about 4 hours now. Please I need help
Hi Tarilate, try following the members area guides. They are very straight forward. You will be getting signals in no time.
Thank You. Its working now. 2 trades / 2 wins, and an on-going trade which is ITM so far looks promising.
Here we Go!! \\\\\\\
Brain Wave is trading great lately.
I’ve won 19 out of my last 20 and it looks like it’s going to continue.
Thanks John.
Hi Jason,
what are you doing exactly to get these results?
Hi Jason, thats good…
which strategy you follow with BBW for this success….?
Thanks for suggesting I tryout Brain Wave.
It really fits my trading style.
I tried that Neo2 software and lost an entire deposit. After reading your review on Neo2 I decided that I should give your recommendations a shot.
Brainwave has quadrupled my new deposit and I don’t plan on trying an autotrader ever again!
My pleasure Derek.
Same thing happened with me Derek.
I think that’s what happens with most of the readers here.
They try a stupid autotrader that promises overnight millions and then realize John’s approach is best.
I would like to know what exact steps people who are successful with BBW are doing. I have my currency pairs set up with the range detector. I have a couple set up with the 30min/1hr detector as well. Quite often the signals offered are in direct opposition to what the indicators are saying. That’s fine, momentum can shift. But this seems to be happening a lot, where the signal is in direct opposition to all the indicators I have up. Is this normal for other people? I’m playing on a free demo account with iq option (no need to sign up with them), so I’m playing all the signals as they come up. A lot of the time it isn’t ranging at the 30min and 1hr mark. I play them to see what would happen, but should I skip them if I were investing real money? John, I would appreciate your input as well as anyone (everyone) finding success with BBW.
Hi Phil, yes, only trade the signal if the market is ranging. That will provide you with excellent results.
Hi John,
Now does the range detector have to be saying ranging under the 30 min and 1hr markers? Or do you just judge by how the movement looks on the chart?
I trade when the range detector says that it’s ranging in 30 and 1hr.
I downloaded range detector. After compile it , too many error in coding.
Do you have a fjixed one?
Hi Ray, you don’t have to compile the file. Don’t add in an extra step :)
This is MQL4 source file. Not EX4 file.
How do you attach to a chart?
Ray, just follow the video and it will work.
Great week with Brain Wave.
I didn’t want the markets to close I win so much! :)
Hi Sasha,
whats your win rate and the strategy you applied with this software?
Hi Satish, I’m winning at 78% ITM.
I only trade ranging markets and I use the range detector for this.
Thanks Sasha,
How many trades you get in a day on an average??
Hello, what is this Range Detector people are talking about? I’d like to use it once I start trading with BBW. Thanks.
Hi Phil, the free range detector and trade assistant are available on this page before the comments. Just provide a social share or like to unlock it free.
Thanks for the reply, John. I am currently looking at MT4s for mac. Do you have any recommendations on which to use or are they all fairly similar?
Hi Phil, you can use any MT4 on MAC. They are all the same.
Hello all, I want to buy the BBW. Where can I get the range detector or is it included in the BBW. Thanks
Hi Nick, it’s available at the bottom of every post or review. You just social share or like to unlock your access.