Proven Profits

proven-profitsProven profits is a binary options software that still to make over $17,000 per day. The developers are telling us that they only have 4 spots available for people to access their free software. I find every single developer says they only have a few spots available but it’s just for sales purposes so don’t worry.

Today I’ll be writing a review and letting you know if we should be excited about the software and what it has to offer.

Proven Profits Review

Like most free-based binary options trading systems the Proven profits website is underwhelming. There are 2 to 3 sentences of content, an email subscription form and a short, boring video. The video starts off by asking traders why would they want to keep working when they can make money like this? Then they show a quick screenshot of dollar amounts over $400,000, none of these images are verified nor do they reflect the actual performance this trading software. The developer of the software is Matt Baker, an unknown in this market. Matt shows us a handful of screenshots of an account for a customer of his named Phil Harris. In these images we see bills account go from $250-$17,000 in just one day. It is hard to trust that this is truthful because there are no trades being shown and it is easy to open demo accounts with different amounts of money in them and take pictures of each.

As the video for the proven profits software continues we are introduced to another client of Matt’s, George Cook. Again, we see a handful of screenshots that are supposed to reflect the passage of time and show us that George’s account is growing. For some reason the results portion of the screen is blurred out which makes me believe there trying to hide something. I’m not even technically savvy but I could easily create images like these so it’s very hard for me to trust them and view them as some sort of verified proof.

At this point in time I won’t be able to recommend the proven profits system to the binary today readers. There’s really nothing on this website that instills me with the confidence I require in order to make a well-balanced investment. Screenshots of trading accounts and bank accounts are a thing of the past, and that’s where they should be left. This type of marketing is not conducive to providing a great trading software. Please let me know what you think about this system and whether or not you feel like it could help your trading.

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  1. Obie September 3, 2015
    • John Kane September 3, 2015
      • Richard September 4, 2015
      • Obie September 4, 2015
        • John Kane September 4, 2015
  2. Harold September 1, 2015

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