Crack Brokers is a new binary options trading software promising to earn traders $2500 a day. The system is developed by Thomas Mallon, a man with no real reputation in the binary options market.
Today I’ll be analyzing the software and reviewing what it has to offer the binary today community.
Crack Brokers Review
One of the first things I notice about the Crack Brokers presentation is that I recognize Thomas Mallon.
Thomas Mallon
It’s quite clear that Thomas Mallon is an actor that is played multiple roles in the binary options market. He always plays the same character, a CEO or founder that’s come up with the solution to all of our problems. Yet, each software he’s promoted has done nothing but cause more and more problems.
Thomas is behind the High Frequency Trader, CashImprove and the Wall Street Trading Software. In each of these cases, we were promised thousands of dollars a day but instead the software did nothing but lose trades. Considering this history, I believe that the Crack Brokers software will certainly take you down that same rabbit hole of despair.
There is no real proof that the Crack Broker software works. Instead, the sales page relies on using testimonials. The problem with this is that testimonials can easily be faked.
In fact, there is proof that one of the testimonials is fake. If you look at the image on the right hand side of the page you will see a testimonial from Kishmeraa. She’s a woman that will “record a natural or a professional video review testimonial” for $5. Obviously any vendor using a service like this is deceitful and can’t be trusted. A developer of a product that performs well should not have to rely on fake testimonials.
It’s really not necessary to discuss the Crack Broker software any further. You have to remember that this is a binary options investment product and investments have to be taken very seriously. Considering this developer is behind many other failed systems and is using fake testimonials I don’t see how we can trust that this time is going to be any different. Binary options developers need to do a much better job of producing trading systems. Instead, they purchase systems that have already failed and re-release them under new names. This is not the way to do business and hopefully they are out of this market soon.
I recommend a real binary options software like Binary5 that has an actual trading strategy and doesn’t promise overnight riches. Really pay attention to what you are reading online and you will start to understand who can and who can’t be trusted.