The Azure Method

the-azure-methodThe Azure method is a new binary options software promising to make traders nearly $8000 an hour, every single day. The developer of the system is Anthony Azure and he tells us that he’s looking for VIP binary options beta testers to help him with his system.

Today I’ll be providing a review and letting the binary options community understand if this software is ready for the market.

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The Azure Method Review

The Azure Method website is what we’ve grown to expect out of the binary options market. There is a short video and an email subscription form, nothing else. This type of website is very common, but makes it difficult to give a recommendation. I generally want to know a lot about a product before I invest in it. The video starts off with a bunch of people on a big party boat and flashes us the usual million dollar bank acbeincount screen shots. None of these screen shots are verified and they can’t be relied upon as actual proof, no matter how much you want to believe them. We see a small group of people all wearing t shirts with the logo on them and we are told that this is their development team. Four coders that wouldn’t give up until they achieved perfection.


The problem with the Azure Method is that it’s being advertised as a beta test. It seems as though, there are a group of binary options product producers that put out a new vip beta test system ever few weeks. A beta test is not the type of investment opportunity you should be looking for. A beta test is the part of the testing process where all the bugs and problems are resolved. Why would you consider using your real money to become guinea pig? If the software doesn’t work well they will just say that it’s part of the beta test and you are out of luck.

I don’t recommend the Azure Method too any binary options traders. If this truly is a beta test then they can contact us when the test is over and give us access to their system when it’s ready for the market. I’m not going to risk my real money on a program that’s going through the testing phase when there are other established binary options software that have already completed this phase. Please let me know what you think about this software by leaving your comments now. Thanks for coming to Binary Today and I hope that you stick around and learn what really works in the binary investment game.

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