The Wall Street Focus Group is a new binary options product promising to make traders $381-$796 per day with online trading. The developer of the software is David Lombardi and he tells us that this product is put together by real financial gurus. Historically, products with any ties to the Wall Street market in binary options have done very poorly.
Today I’ll be providing a review and taking a closer look at this focus group to see if the Cobra5 is a legitimate trading software.
Wall Street Focus Group Review
According to David Lombardi the Cobra5 software has been in development over the last 10 years. Now, a beta test version of the software is available for free to the public. Much like developers from Wall Street have failed the binary options market so has binary options beta tests. This is one of the most common sales pitches we see in the binary options market. The problem with a beta test is that it’s very likely to fail. The entire purpose of a beta test is to finish testing the software before can be released to the public. Thus, there are frequent issues and abnormalities that can drain your account in minutes. Beta tests are not and will never be safe investment opportunities. In binary options they have been high risk and have never yielded any reward.
David Lombardi
Despite coming across like a professional trader, David Lombardi has absolutely no reputation on Wall Street or the binary options market. I have done ample research and it found no information about David and I’m starting to believe that he doesn’t even exist. It’s most likely that David is an actor hired by the people behind the Wall Street Focus Group product to create a story.
The issue I take with this is quite simple. Not only is this a deceptive marketing practice but the entire concept of the system relies so heavily on this narrative that when it’s proven to be untrue it takes down the entire house of cards.
Despite making promise after promise in the video and on the sales page the disclaimer contradicts everything that they say. “Wall Street Focus Group EXPLICITLY DOES NOT MAKE ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES OR GUARANTEES THAT USERS WILL MAKE ANY PROFIT OR THAT USERS WILL NOT LOSE ANY OR ALL DEPOSITED INVESTMENT FUNDS.”
So which is it? Are we going to make hundreds of dollars a day with the system or we not? The more time I spend on this webpage the more I feel like there is no way we are going to be seeing any sort of financial return.
Trading Software
As for the Cobra5 trading software, we’ve seen this exact platform used in the past. This is actually the exact same software used by the developers of Methodox, Midas Method and Midnight Money Machine. So, really the software hasn’t been developed over the last 10 years like they promised. The product is a black box software that can be purchased online and re-distributed under a different name.
It’s quite obvious to me that the Wall Street Focus Group Cobra 5 software is not a worthwhile trading system. As much as I would like to say that this is a great system and that is going to change your life, I just can’t. There are way too many discrepancies with the information being provided and way too many lies to take this seriously.
If you truly want to be successful in binary options you need to approach it seriously. Don’t expect an automated trading software to change your life and do everything for you. There is still not one winning automated binary options trading system. This is why I recommend binary options signal software, and my readers vote daily on what is currently their top choice. Thanks for stopping by please leave a comment now.