The Amissio Formula Review

the-amissio-formulaThe Amissio Formula is a new binary options system promoting itself as the world’s only no loss trading robot. The developers of this system tell us that they poached the top four traders from one of the world’s biggest investment banks to create this system. We are told what investment banks these are.

Today I’ll be providing a review so you know if this is a worthwhile trading investment or just another get rich quick scheme.

The Amissio Formula Review

The Amissio Formula website is extremely simple. We see a short video and an email subscription form, I generally prefer to see much more information than this when I’m trying to determine if the system is viable or not. The story is one we’ve heard before. A man worked for one of these large investment banks and decided to quit and move his way onto the Internet. This is an easy story to write and considering they don’t tell us his the bank that he worked for it’s very difficult for us to verify that any of this is actually true. The problem with this is that there’s nothing else for us to go on outside of this video.

So if we can’t verify the video how can we possibly trust the story whatsoever.

A minute into the video we are introduced to a man named Craig Phillips the claims to be the CEO of The Amissio Formula systems. The story takes another familiar turn as Craig offers to allow binary options traders to join his team of beta testers. Binary options beta tests are away for developers to pretend they are letting people get in on something on the ground floor. The problem with a beta test is that’s the part of development when the developer is working out the kinks. If the software isn’t ready to be released to the public then there is no way that I’m going to be risking my money using it.

I just can’t recommend The Amissio Formula at this point in time. As much as I would like to trust Craig Phillips’ story, I just can’t. I’ve done research on this man and there is just no information online verifying his story whatsoever. The only Craig Phillips I can find is a winner of big Brother UK. If this investment banker is truly a big deal then there would be information about him online and it would be hard to find. That’s it for my review today. If you would like to add a comment please do so now. If you ever need any help trading binary options just click ask John at the top your page and send me an email.


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