Free Binary Tools & November Income

income-report-novemer-2015We are quickly approaching 2016 and there’s no better time than now to put together a solid trading strategy that we can implement and take into the new year. Today I’m going to be giving you someย Free Binary Tools to make trading easier for you and get you all caught up on my current trading strategy as I get set for another big year!

With my $200,000 goal achieved I’ve had time to trade less and focus more on the Binary Today website and the community here.

With that in mind, I’ve put together some free tools that are going to benefit us greatly moving forward.

November Income

First, let me show you how I’ve been doing recently before I lay out a strategy that’s going to take us all to the next level in 2016.

  1. Binary Brain Waveย +$6,850.55up-arrowbinary-brain-wave
  2. Binary Ascendย +$5,840.25down-arrow
  3. Binary Options Bulletย +$3300.00up-arrow
  4. Consultation +$1500.00up-arrow
  5. Manual Trading +$1300.00down-arrow

TOTAL: $25,941.65

As you can see above there’s been quite a few changes.

I’ve added arrows to signify the position change in the rankings.

Binary Brain Wave: No real shocker here, one of my favorite systems of all time, a consistent performer moved up into the firstย spot in November providing a plethora of great opportunities.

Binary Ascend: Not to any fault of it’s own, the ascend system was very accurate but the time I spent on BBW and BBW saw Binary Ascend fall into the 2ndย spot.

Binary Options Bullet: Steady and impactful, the bullet is the cheapest option on the board and while it doesn’t provide a lot of signals, they are always steady.

Forex:ย Not on the list since it’s not binary but Forex Fury has been performing very well, the account is now over 300% gained in just a few months.

Free Binary Tools

The best way to easily increase your in the money ratio is to analyze trades.

To make this easier I’ve put togetherย Free Binary Tools that work with all the top rated systems that I use.

I just updated these tools today, so if you already have them, you will want to go back to the download page below.


click-for-free-binary-softwareIf you are new to Binary Today and haven’t downloaded the trade assistants and range detector before you will want to go to the bottom of the page and use a social share to unlock access to these free files.

After you click on a social share you will see the green link above and you will be able to login and download the files you require to improve your winning ratio.

Trade Assistant in Action

Watch this short video to see how to use the trade assistant properly.


2016 & Beyond

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This year was a great year but it’s time we start looking forward.

As always, I will be hunting down new profitable trading systems, exposing scams and making sure that the readers here grow their accounts.

If there’s anything you want to see in 2016 leave a comment below and I’ll do my best to accommodate you.

In the meantime, please like the Facebook page so that you get regular updates whenever I update the blog.

Thanks for the great year and rest assuredย 2016 will be even better!

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  1. Ebenezer February 4, 2016
    • John Kane February 4, 2016
  2. andrew January 14, 2016
  3. Lasse Borg January 1, 2016
    • John Kane January 2, 2016
      • Lasse Borg January 2, 2016
  4. Rick Johnson December 23, 2015
  5. Victoria tyler December 21, 2015
  6. frans December 11, 2015
  7. Pari December 10, 2015
    • John Kane December 10, 2015
  8. Roz December 10, 2015
    • John Kane December 10, 2015
  9. rohan December 9, 2015
    • John Kane December 9, 2015
  10. Joseph December 7, 2015
    • John Kane December 7, 2015
  11. rohan December 6, 2015
    • John Kane December 6, 2015
  12. David December 6, 2015
    • John Kane December 6, 2015
  13. chidi December 5, 2015
    • John Kane December 6, 2015
  14. kresimir December 4, 2015
  15. Sylvester December 4, 2015
    • John Kane December 4, 2015

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