Bit Holdings Review: Profitable crypto trading or scam?

Bit Holdings is a cryptocurrency trading platform that allows users to invest in bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. They have an online trading portal which you can use to trade various cryptocurrencies and make a profit. This site does not specify whether they provide automated trading options or not, apart from the fact that their platform is web based. However, they are unclear whether they provide trading signals or they are an automated platform. They also offer various plans that start from $10000 investment, so they are targeting high end traders. With their system, you can supposedly make thousands of dollars in profit every month, which is something that attracts many users. However, just because they promise that their software is the best, doesn’t guarantee that they are legitimate. The site has listed major news sites on their home page in order to make customers think that they are quite popular. If you look closer, you will notice that they are only providing links to articles that show the rise of Bitcoin. This is not the only issue with this site, as you will discover further.

Bit Holdings was registered online in 2017 and they have only been proving services since 2019. They claim to be based in the UK and registered with the UK regulatory authorities. However, there is no company with such a name registered in the UK and the financial authority does not have it on their list of regulated brokers. Further research shows that they are not registered with any relevant authority in any country. The company has provided a UK address: 6 London Street, EC3R 7LP London, United Kingdom, but they do not exist there in reality. They have also provided a UK phone number: +44 208 0893085. However, this number is not operational either. The only way to contact them is to send an email at, or sill in the contact form on the site. The site can be accessed at:

Bit Holdings review

When you go onto the Bit Holdings site, you will see a neatly designed site with various promotions. These are quite general and only give information about much profit you can make from bitcoin and how competent team they have. They also claim that you can make 85% profit every hour. Before you use the trader, you will have to deposit the minimum of $250. Because they have created their own trader, it is difficult to determine whether the trader is legitimate or not. Once you make a deposit, then you will be able to start trading. Unfortunately, their trading platform does not have many of the features that other well-known trading platforms have to offer.


Bit Holdings have not made any mention of their exact trading strategy. While they do provide a trading platform and brokerage services, they do not specify exactly how they plan on making 85% profit every hour. The basic function of this trading site is to trade between various cryptocurrencies. However, this does not guarantee the amount of profit advertised on the site. Another thing that raises suspicion is the fact that they do not charge withdrawal fees. If the software is free and they do not charge withdrawal fees, then how does this site make its money?


  • Company: Bit Holdings
  • Product: Cryptocurrency trading platform
  • Minimum investment: $250
  • Trading strategy: Unspecified
  • Trading results: None
  • Customer Feedback: Negative

You may be interested in looking into other similar platforms…Coinsource InvestmentBitcoin Fast ProfitInvExpert, and Crypto Omega.

Trading Results

Bit Holdings have made claims that many of its traders receive an average of 85% profit. This is supposed to be on an hourly basis. However, they have not provided any proof of such results. In addition to this, no traders can verify that they have made any money with this platform either. None of the popular trading sites have ever heard of Bit Holdings and they are unfamiliar amongst brokers as well. If they are really trading, then surely some brokers may have dealt with them? This proves that this site may not actually be trading, or they are hiding their trading results.

Client Feedback

Firstly, you should consider the fact that Bit Holdings is a relatively new platform, so it does not have many users. However, traders who have tried it out are complaining that they are unable to withdraw their funds, and this was before they found out that the company’s registration details are false.


Bit Holdings seems to be just another trading platform that does not actually trade in real life. Not only are their profit claims impossible to achieve, they do not provide enough details of their trading strategy either. They have not provided any evidence to back up their claims of 85% profit margin. Furthermore, this company has lied about being registered in the UK and they do not come under any other regulatory authority either.

If you have had any experience with this company, we would love to hear from you. So, share with us in the comments section below.

Bit Holdings $250 (minimum investment)
  • Price - 20%
  • Strategy - 30%
  • Trading Results - 10%
  • Client Feedback - 10%
  • Customer Support - 30%


They claim that their investors make up to 85% profit on average
They offer several investment plans


Their trading results do not seem to be authenticated
They have not provided details of their trading strategy
The company appears to be unregulated

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