Crypto Omega is an online investment site that functions like an online bank in the cryptocurrency marketplace. Crypto Omega claims that they can double your money in a single day which seems to be something too good to be true. While this is the first red flag for true investors, many people have still tried it out.
In addition to this, they provide very little contact information to try to establish their credibility in this marketplace. They provide no address or phone numbers. The only way to contact them is by email: The only proof that this company exists is the website: It is extremely unlikely that a legitimate company would provide so little contact information, but this is not all as there are many other issues with their site that need to be addressed.
Crypto Omega Review
Crypto Omega is basically an investment site. They provide financial services where you ‘lend’ money to a third party. The site will then return double the amount you invested the very next day. This means that you are earning profit in the form of interest. It’s like giving someone $100 and expecting $200 the very next day.
One of the most astonishing facts is that this site seems to be unregulated and there is no proof of any license that would make them eligible to provide financial services. Lending money and paying out interest requires a permit in many countries, even if it is done online. However, Crypto Omega seems to have no such permits.
Crypto Omega also claims that its services are free for both borrowers and investors so they are not earning any profit. Because of the low initial investment of $1, many people have decided to give it a try without first understanding the company’s strategy for making money.

While 100% return in a single day is quite unbelievable, the other aspects of this site are equally suspicious. Crypto Omega deals in Bitcoin, so they will pay you in cryptocurrencies. However, there is a lot of speculation about how they are able to generate such lofty returns that they promise their potential investors.
The trading strategy of Crypto Omega seems to be quite strange. They claim to work in the same way as a bank, but for free. This company claims that they can give you a profit return of 100% after a single day.
This means that if you invest for a year, you should earn millions on investment of a few dollars. This is simply hard to believe and there is no way that this strategy can work. In any case, the site has not taken any steps to prove their claims, so there is no way to verify this.
- Location: N/A
- Strategy: not explained properly
- Site charges: None
- Regulated: No
- Minimum investment: $1
- Minimum return: $2
- Trading results: Unverified
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Trading Results
The claimed trading results of Crypto Omega are what attracted some investors to this platform.

The site claims that they can double your investment every single day. This translates to a return of 100% every day on top of your initial investment. While there has been speculation that this is impossible, many customer reviews also support this. However, no external regulatory authority has confirmed the trading results that they have posted on the site so there is no way of knowing whether they are providing accurate information.

Client Feedback
Unfortunately, Crypto Omega cannot back up their claims with enough good customer reviews that confirm that the site is legitimate. The main complaint that many users have is that the site only gives certain returns, mostly for investments that are only a few dollars. Many customers have complained that the site does not pay in time either. These negative reviews are certainly not in favor of the claims made by this site.
Crypto Omega seems to be shady in its operations because of the fact that they have missed out on a lot of pertinent information. Not only do they make a claim that seems hard to achieve, but they also cannot back it up with any strategy or confirmed results.
Have you had any experience with Crypto Omega yet? Share your opinion with us, in the comments section below.
~ Happy Trading!
Crypto Omega $1 (minimum investment)
Price - 40%
Strategy - 25%
Results - 20%
Client Feedback - 20%
Support - 20%
Minimal investment required
Not enough explanation for the strategy
Few credible client testimonials
Questionable Strategy