Binary Review: HBSwiss

Today we are looking at a new binary options trading software that refers to itself as a Forex robot, HBSwiss. This system is surely not a Forex robot, and the developers are showing a real lack of knowledge with their own product promoting it as such.

The software is very similar to those I’ve reviewed in the past. They guaranteed over $5600 a day, and the sales video is extremely aggressive. For more products like these, and better binary options systems rated go here.

The developers of the system are SMG Solutions LTD, headed by Roberto Cavala, who is located at 31 Barrack Road, Third Floor, Belize City. The business email address is

HBSwiss Review

One of the first things we noticed about the HBSwiss service, is its similarity to other binary options product releases. They use a sales video that is extremely hard to believe, and provide very little information on their software and strategy. They do tell us that their software “uses special quantum computer models based on complex mathematical algorithms derived from the Shor and Grover theories.” However, they never make any specific statements about this method and how the theories interact with the system. They essentially tell us a few sentences without any context at all and just want us to believe that because it sounds complicated, that it really works. What we really need to hear, is how the software utilizes certain methodologies to achieve the 87% success rate that is being promised.

Sales Video

The sales page video is a point of quite contention, as their disclaimer essentially tells us that it’s entirely fake. The disclaimer states that the “HBSwiss sales video is fictitious and was produced to portray the potential of the HBSwiss 3rd party signals software. Actors have been used to present this opportunity and it should be viewed for entertainment purposes.”

When looking for an investment opportunity, the last thing you want to hear is that the information being provided is purely for entertainment purposes. This is a major red flag.

HBSwiss Live Results

The trading results are equally as disappointing. The developers of the software show traders making thousands of dollars on a daily basis, without ever showing us real trading statements or actual trades. We are supposed to believe that these are real live results from their customers, but considering the disclaimer we just read about the sales video, it’s more likely that this is all fabricated as well. The image for Franz Samter, one of the clients, is actually a stock image that can be purchased online and I’ve seen it many times in the portrayal of characters in binary options product releases.


I really hate to do this, but I see no way that the HBSwiss software can get any rating above a one star. The developers do nothing to instill me with any confidence whatsoever. The fact that there is a disclaimer on the website telling us that they are only providing this information for entertainment purposes is extremely disheartening.

Be very careful if you do sign up with this system, because it is clearly not a real investment opportunity. If you have anything you would like to add please feel free to leave a comment or send me a personal email with your questions and concerns.

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