Zero Risk Trading Membership Review

zero-risk-tradingZero risk trading is offering traders a binary options membership spot that expires in one minute. Despite being on the website for over 2 hours this spot is still available. The developer of the software Brad Robbins is telling us that he will give his application to 50 people for free and give them all $500 to start trading. I find that very hard to believe.

Today I’ll be providing a review and informing the binary options community about the viability of this new trading program.

Zero Risk Trading Review

Even the name of the product, zero risk trading is something that I don’t believe in. I don’t believe there is such a thing as no risk trading. I don’t care what asset or instrument you trade, there is always going to be risk and it’s a fact that trading is one of the riskiest investment opportunities available. There would be less risk in printing T-shirts and selling them door-to-door. This doesn’t mean that binary options or trading in general is bad but I really don’t appreciate marketers building up this fallacy.

In doing some research and entering the zero risk trading members area I can’t seem to find any information about this free $500. It is common in this market for binary options developers to make promises and then pretend like they didn’t. When it comes to the free $500, I feel like it was a hook and that Brad Robbins will not be providing money to any of his new clients.

According to the binary options community this product uses the exact same application as many other binary options systems. This means that if you have been involved in auto trading binary options systems in the past it’s very likely you’ve actually use this system and may already have access to it. It’s rumored that this software is connected to the people at Triana Soft, a system that didn’t do very well.

Today I won’t be providing a recommendation for the zero risk trading binary options membership. I really don’t feel like this is the type of system that meets the expectations of the binary options community. I believe that we should stay away from auto trading applications and focus on effective signal software with proven track records. If you ever need any help getting started or you just want to send me an email please click ask John at the top of your page. I hope to hear from you soon, have a great day.


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