Wells Investments is a new “A.A.M” software suite developed to make traders nearly $1k per hour like clockwork. We are told that there’s no experience required and that income is 100% guaranteed.
Today I’ll be providing a review and informing the binary options community of the best approach to take when dealing with this system, and others like it.
Wells Investments Review
Like most binary options systems in this market the Wells Investments software has some very aggressive claims. Promising to make traders $879.26 per hour in instant profits is a nice thought, but one that makes me believe that this is most likely a get rich quick scheme. Why do I believe this? Well, as a reviewer in this market for over two years I’ve seen claims like these hundreds of times and they never seem to pan out. Instead there is a trail of traders with broken binary options accounts that lead back to pain inducing auto-traders.
The Wells Investments sales page is all about lifestyle marketing. We are shown pictures of private jets, lavish boats, and luxury vehicles next to mansions. Each image includes a tweet with multiple hashtags, we see #wellsinvestments, #wellsinvest and more. Considering there are hashtags, this means we will be able to search for these tweets on twitter to verify their existence. As I expected, I can’t find any of these tweets on twitters so I have to assume that they are fabricated. Twitter search is public so there is no reason why I wouldn’t be able to find at least one of these tweets. The only Wells Invest information on Twitter pertains to an Indian investment account that has no relation to this product. This red flag is clearly something I won’t be able to just push under the rug and I need some answers from the developers.
I do not recommend the Wells Investments system to you today. I don’t believe that this developer has our best interests at heart and I have a very hard time believing any of the claims. I originally felt that the nearly $1k per hour was far fetched and when I combine that with the unreliability that comes from my twitter research it makes this an easier software to avoid. If you want to leave a comment please tell me what you think about this system now. I look forward to hearing from you soon. All the best from John Kane.