Virtnext is a new binary options software that is offering traders the opportunity to make over $600 within the next hour. According to the developers of this system, there are currently over 17,000 members which is quite hard to believe considering this is the first I’ve ever heard of this system.
Today I’ll be providing a review and making my way through the sales page to find out if there is any truth that claims they are making.
Virtnext Review
At the top of the Virtnext webpage there is a video that supposed to show us how we can start making $18,000 a week from home. I skimmed through the video but I wasn’t able to find any specific information that verifies the $18,000 claim. We are told that the system invest money in the world stock exchanges and it’s only lost once in the last 4 years. I’m not sure about you, I find it very difficult to believe. There are quite a few things on this webpage that have questions about. There is a pop-up that consistently reminds us that over 17,000 people are using this software. However, if you click on the video and go to YouTube you can see that there have only been 150 views. If this system had over 17,000 clients then I would expect over 100,000 views.
The Virtnext webpage also provides us with a social media testimonials area. Here we can see a Facebook group where multiple traders have left comments about their successes. Christina Stevens claims that she started using the system 3 months ago and that she’s been making huge amounts of money every single week sets. Luke David tells us that after his first week we started to realize that the software was really working in making him nice profits. Yet, when I go into Facebook and look for the Virtnext page, it does not exist. There is review page, but no actual page created by the developer so I’m not sure where they are getting these testimonials from.
I will not be recommending Virtnext to the Binary Today readers. I’m having a really hard time believing in a lot of the claims made on the webpage. They tell us that they have over 17,000 clients but there are little to no YouTube views, and no community feedback anywhere on the Internet. If the system of this magnitude was truly making people thousands of dollars a day, I would be one of the first people to know about. If you something you would like to add to this review please leave your questions and concerns below the article now.
( reviews)
Uschi says “Whome can we trust anymore” It is simple – no one execpt your self.
You will have to do it the hard way and find your own trades.
I think and hope, that I’ve found my pattern, and is going to test it within a short time.
My experience was very similar to Lenny.
I started with the “Low risk 1 trade max” setting.
The software immediately went into 6 trades. 2 of these were for the same currency pair but on opposite sides of the trade. So obviously 2 of these trades won and 2 lost. Of the other two trades: 1 won and 1 lost.
So I turned off the auto-trade and it put another 7 trades on.
It continued placing trades until it wiped my account completely out.
I wrote this same report on BOWD – it was immediately deleted and it now looks like I have been banned.
Hmmmm. So sad, I thought they were on the side of the trader.
Dodger 05 dont you realize BOWD recomends VIRTNEXT What a load of vermin.
What really get my attention was that they promised you will make $600.00 the next hour but it depends on how much money you put in. There are too many scams like these.
I signed up with Virtnext yesterday after reading all the glowing reviews. Got Bloombex as my broker. Deposited minimum required of $350. Turned on autotrader with 5 max trades and $25 per trade setting. Virtnext proceeded to place 14 trades in the next 10 mins of which 7 WON and 7 LOST so 50% ITM. I was surprised to see so many trades in such a short time after I had set it to 5 max trades (which I assumed to mean 5 trades open at any one time at most, or even 5 max trades per day). So I changed it to 3 max trades setting and it proceeded to place 12 trades over the next 10 mins or so and 6 won and 6 lost, so once again 50% ITM. So overall 26 trades with 13 WON and 13 LOST, 50% ITM overall in about 2 hours time. Once I saw it placing more than 3 trades after I had changed the setting, I turned the autotrader to OFF and it STILL continued to place trades until my available funds to trade were $0. I’m pretty sure it would have placed more trades if I had more funds available. I also noticed that as my autotrade trades were live the manual trade feature had recommendation for the opposite direction and same expiry as the autotrade trades. For example the autotrader would place a EUR/USD CALL trade, and during that trade the manual trading feature would show a EUR/USD PUT trade recommendation for the same expiry. Anyway, not saying Virtnext is total crap, but it sure didn’t perform as advertised for me. Virtnext claims only 1 losing trading day in the last 4 years, but my results are 1 losing trading day the last 1 day… buyer beware.
Lenny read my review sent to Gerry.THE WHOLE LOT IS ONE GIANT SCAM .
I will let you know how it goes. If it is not worth the detail I will let you in on the detail. Hopefully it is a descent software for an autotrader, but seeming I have Brain Wave and another you recommend that have not been that successful I will add your tools to help them
I think Mike F Kieth Louis and a few others on YouTube are all in on this scam i tried all those things they don’t work for me vertnext-dowjones-XTPApp-cashcamp all the same scam
Hi Gerry,
I directed this question to all three. They all ignore me while some censor me. Censorship is something I really take personally being American. Later ….. ๐๐๐
Hi Gerry, I completly agree with you. Shame on Mike Freeman, Keith, Watchdog and so on! Whom can we trust anymore? Do some People really everything for money, without honor in their life? I am very disappointed! What do they think how stupid we are?
In reply to Gerry.Yes you have got it spot on.I am begining to realize the whole lot is one giant SCAM and us poor mugs are falling for it hook line and sinker.DO NOT believe the review sights they are in league with the brokers to rob you.If you go to SCAM WATCH DOG Org and look at what ROY TRIBBLE RECOMENDS you will be shocked .Yes he recomends CASH CAMP .DOW EQUINOX VIRTNEXT amongst 100 others. Every time he sends you to a broker or a automatic trading bot he gets a big fat commision .He tells you he has tried out most of the systems which is a blatant outrageous lie. It seem rather strange when he trades with them he makes a fortune yet when we do we lose all our money.All he has to do is recomend anything and we follow like sheep. Yes Gerry i had CASH CAMP DOW EQUINOX total rubish . EVERY THING IS A GIANT CON TO STEAL OUR MONEY .Ihave had to learn the hard way like yourself IT DOSENT WORK.
Yes, I also received welcoming email from none other than Michael Freedman. Yes, he has an autotrader. It’s dashboard is rather crude compared to Virtnext ‘s. There does seem some association between Michael Freedman’s group and the creator of this Bot . Watchdog site endorses; however this is owned by Michael. I do have to say it does have a sharp looking dasboard. As for algorithm I don’t know since Americans get limited brokers with inflated minimums. I probably will not go any further since I really do not like being gouged by brokers.
Later …. ๐๐๐
A great, what seems to be an honest review of VirtNext is conducted by a well established, well known BO trader and he endorses the product and gives his positive review. THat’s strange in itself as this trader has developed his own auto trading software! If you go through the sign-up process, you are locked in to one broker(who haven’t got a great reputation), you instantly receive a welcoming email and sure enough, it’s signed off by none other than the reputable broker who endorsed it in the first place! Do they think we are stupid? If this system has any potential, I’d let those with money to burn try it out before signing up!