John Kane Review: Obcasio

obcasioObcasio is a new binary options trading product developed by Michael Watson. Watson is promising traders that his software has the capabilities of making a minimum of $2000 every single day for its clients. He goes on to guarantee this but I feel like these are clearly empty promises.

Today I will be analyzing the software, providing a review and letting you know why I feel the way that I do.

Obcasio Review

The sales page is what we are used to. The presentation consists of a 14 minute YouTube video and an email subscription form. At the top of the page you will see links that read Obcasio team, About us, Support and Login. None of these links actually work and they all just trigger a pop-up version of the email subscription form. Michael Watson is really doing everything in his power to try and get you to subscribe because this pop up is relentless and quite distracting.


Michael Watson

When doing reviews like these is important to understand who is behind the software. The developer of Obcasio is introduced to us as a man named Michael Watson. Yet, when I go on Google and do research on this developer I come up with nothing. So either Michael Watson is a total newcomer to this market, he has yet to develop a reputation or it’s a fake name.

The problem here is that out of the 3 options I’m providing, none are positive. I have no interest in investing with someone who’s a newcomer to binary options. That’s just not a smart move.

Fake Obcasio Trading Session

fake-obcasio-trading-sessionIn the Obcasio video Michael attempts to show us a live trading session with an unknown woman who just started to use the software. In this trading session we can see time pass and the balance of the account quickly increasing. However, if you look closely at this trading session pay attention to the chart at the top right-hand side of the page. Despite the fact that the balances changing from $25 to over $1000 the chart is never moving. This goes to prove that Michael is actually modifying these images and just increasing the account balance likely in Photoshop. If this was truly alive trading session then the chart would be moving forward and would be different in every single image provided.

The Software

obcasio-softwareThe software being used by the Obcasio developers has been used multiple times in the past by other product producers. This is the exact same system used by Satellite Trader and Automata Formula. Considering both of those systems received negative reviews here at binary today, I don’t feel confident that Obcasio is going to provide positive returns in the short or long term.


I see no real reason to recommend Obcasio to you today. There are a tremendous amount of red flags associated with this product and I really can’t come up with one positive aspect of the sales presentation. I am against any binary options developer that blatantly tries to trick the marketplace and that’s what’s happening here.

If you are truly serious about being a profitable binary options trader that I recommend you check out the best binary options software and signals section available here on Binary Today. Take a look at the real user ratings to find out what systems real binary options traders are relying on. Thanks for stopping in and please leave your comments now.

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