The Covert Society

the covert societyThe covert society is another free binary options software. The developers of this system claim they only have 10 free memberships available and then the software goes back to $1000. A software I’ve never even heard of before.

Today I am going to provide a review of this software( and tell you why you should avoid it.

The Covert Society Review

Watching the covert society video in the members area makes me sick. They don’t talk about the software whatsoever. They spent literally two and a half minutes telling you that you have to sign up with their recommended broker because this software only works with that broker because it was built for their platform. Then they say at the time this video was recorded they only have one membership available. It’s just a bunch of baloney and I’m tired of listening to it and I hope by writing these reviews telling you to stay away from the systems that they stop coming out so frequently.

I will not be recommending the covert society to any binary options trader. This is just another example of binary options developers providing us with crap and hoping that we eat it up. Outside of a couple of screenshots in the video and picture hard with results at the bottom of the page there is little to no proof that this system is ever going to work. I would bet $100,000 that this software just turns out to be another flop and with that being said it’s obvious that you need to avoid it.

If you have something you would like to contribute to my review of the covert society please leave your comments below. If you ever need help with binary options trading and what type of software you should be using to gain in this market you can leave a comment about that or you could send me a personal email on the contact page. I respond to all the emails I receive and hope that you could have the same level of success that I have had in this market.


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  1. Stuart May 7, 2015
  2. Alan July 31, 2014
    • John Kane July 31, 2014

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