The Centument Project 2.0 – Artificial Intelligence Review

the-centument-project-2.0The Centument Project 2.0 is a new binary options trading software developed by Gerald Reed. As is too often the case, Reed has no reputation in the binary options market. I certainly prefer dealing with traders and developers that have some sort of proven experience in this marketplace, but that’s me.

Today I’ll be providing a review and letting you know if this automated system is worth the time and effort I’m spending to analyze it.

The Centument Project 2.0 Review

The sales page consists of brief bullet points, testimonials and a YouTube video that introduces us to a “superstar trader” who’s turned Wall Street on its head thanks to the Centument Project 2.0. Reed tells us in the video that it was necessary to create version 2.0 of his software because brokers came together and implemented strategies to ensure the original version would lose. Yet, unlike other binary options developers that would provide this update for free, Reed is forcing traders to register with another binary options brokerage. I really don’t respect this approach. Reed is basically saying that version 1 doesn’t work so traders lost their money but it’s not his fault and now he wants more money. It’s a bit of an asinine concept when put that way isn’t it?

Video Analysis

Centument In The News

news-publication-falsifiedOne of the main qualities I look for in a binary options product like the Centument Project 2.0 is honesty. To see if Gerald Reed is honest we have to look no further than the supposed quotes from news publications. According to the website Forbes says “Finally home based traders and investors have access to an easy to use system, able to produce massive profits, which until now were not possible with any of the traditional methods.” There are other quotes from Time, CNNMoney and Bloomberg.

Yet, it doesn’t take more than 5 minutes of research to find out that none of these quotes exist. Thus, Reed is not being honest.

The Testimonials

The testimonials are equally as uninspiring. One of the Centument Project 2.0 comes from Carlia Dias who claims “If you’re a bit lazy, like me, you will love this software and course. I’ve always dreamed about something like this – a system that can make me enough money to enjoy life without working long hours.” It shows that she made over $5,000 in profit her first day and $27,288 in the first month. Considering the untrustworthy nature of this developer I can’t imagine that any of these results are real. We aren’t shown any trading statements or trade examples to verify the results provided by any of the testimonials. The testimonials are also all using stock images, so they are not real people.


I think it’s clear where I stand when it comes to the Centument Project 2.0. I’m disappointed, I expected much more from a developer that was taking a second kick at the can. Instead, we are inundated with lies and misleading information that can’t be trusted.

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