Smart Money App

smart money appSmart money app is yet another free binary options trading solution. The traders that put together this software claim that we are lucky to have reached their page because it is invite only and that we should leave right now if we weren’t sent here by the author. Basically, this means they are lying to us because their software is available for any affiliate to promote on the click better network.

Today I will be providing a review and based on what I see initially I don’t think that it will be positive or time-consuming.

Smart Money App Review

Just like all the other free binary options systems in this market the website consists of the you tube video and a free members area. Right into the you tube video you can see a ticker the claims to be providing us with live results from their actual clients. From the research I’ve done all of the takers that look like this on these free binary websites are falsified and untrue. Considering this developer tells us that the page is invite only and that is proven to be a lie is very difficult for me to trust their judgment.

all fake scripts

If you close and reopen the website you will see these scripts restart.


Another annoying element on the smart money app webpage is the warning above the video the claims there are only X number of remaining spots. If you refresh the webpage you will find that the remaining spots number will increase to its original amount and then slowly diminish over time. This proves that it is just a script used for marketing and not truthful or connected to the software in any way.

I’m not going to waste my time or your time spending anymore effort on the smart money app review. This system is clearly not worth our time because the developers are taking it seriously for treating us with respect. If you have something you would like to add to this review I would appreciate it if you left some remarks below. Feel free to send me a personal email at any time by clicking ask John at the top of the website. I look forward to hearing from you and hope that you spend some more time on binary today reading some of my material.

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  1. Ferdinand Holcapek March 3, 2015

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