QuantumAI Review: Is it legitimate or just another shady deal?

QuantumAI is an automated bot trading website that claims to provide as much as $1320 of profits every five hours. The website mentions for the platform to be present in the UK with a team of 20 experts. Quantum trading is the dependency on the high precision and efficient processing and analysis of trading data to make the perfect trading decisions.

The webpage development is a decent job for anyone who is new to trading and is desperate to get their hands on some form of trading. The website includes having several certifications to trade on crypto and Forex platforms and goes out of its way to claim in several areas to be found by Elon Musk. It is artificial intelligence and advanced computing company that generates high profits within a very short span of provided time.

The company website is: https://www.quantumai.trade/, and you can reach them at one of the customer support email addresses: quantumai@yandex.com, vipsupport@quantumai.trade or abuse@quantumai.trade. The company address has been mentioned as: 83 Victoria Street, London, SW1H 0HW, United Kingdom.

QuantumAI Review

The website starts with a high-tech introduction into the benefits of AI trading. It is a website that mimics one of the top trading bots in trading and provides similar data to captivate the layman viewer. The major giveaway of the website for being a questionable deal is its fake affiliation with Elon Musk, who is claimed to be the founder of the company. Plus, most of the marketing is emotional as it shares the stories of people who were on the brink of going broke and are now earning millions, to attract the desperate layman traders.

It has some trading programs listed that accepts money in BitCoin or Payoneer, but the profit return rates are unrealistically high. It lures you into the trap by claiming how it will continuously provide you profits of around $1400 every five hours, without stating the niche or exact platform for their trading.

The marketing information the website provides is identical to that of some of the best and reliable trading bots. Artificial intelligence truly is accurate and efficient in generating results and profits by making quick decisions, but even the top category of the companies do not offer such high returns on investments. By claiming provocative material like it being a machine that never stops earning your profits, it grasps the interests of new traders.


QuantumAI uses data analyzed by solving complex algorithms in a very short amount of time, presenting the most positive or likely outcome to base a decision on. This company mimics this strategy of well-known AI trading bots to lure traders into investing money which they will never see again.

Once the deposits have been made, the website redirects you to an automated trading webpage that presents you with the results of trades for which the script had been written quite a while ago. A pre-fed data is presented to the customers that only show loss until there is no amount of their investment left. After which the website asks you to invest more money upon which you will receive a bonus equivalent to what you had lost before, to keep draining you of your money.

The deposits are mainly made through shady brokers, the contact details of whom are also absent from the website. With no contact details available of the company officials itself or the brokers affiliated, it is impossible to trace back and retrieve your invested money.


Some of the basic facts to be noted about the website for quick analysis are as follows.

  • Located: United Kingdom
  • Founded: Not Mentioned
  • Strategy: Mimicking the strategies of reputed trading bots to lure new and less-informed trades into investing.
  • Trading Results: Unverified and Baseless entries.
  • Price: Starting from a minimum amount of 0.0015 BTC, QuantumAI goes as high 10BTC. It has 12 different payment procedures that each claims to provide an unrealistically high return on investment.

You may be interested in looking into other similar platforms…ConomiBitcoin Fast ProfitFX Coin Bot, and Crypto Omega.

Trading Results

The trading results provided at the bottom of the webpage are nothing but mere images of some fake transactions. There are no details mentioned about the trading type and platform they were secured on. It only shows the transaction date which is always the one you view it at, and the amount of transaction which has forged written all over them.

Client Feedback

There are no contact details present on the website itself, and no customer testimonials either. The only reviews you can find are on third-party websites and none of them are supportive of the claims made on the website.


A trader with any trading experience in the past will know the website falls short of a lot of professional parameters in a first glance, which is why the intended audience of the company are those new to trading. This company falls below a score of 3% in reliability, whereas a trustworthy trading bot has a rating of at least 70%, making it a highly unsafe website to invest in.

Have you been considering to invest with QuantumAI? OR, have you had any experience with this company? If so, we would love to hear from you, share with us in the comments section below…

Quantum AI trading Minimum Investment: 10.00 / 0.001500 BTC
  • Price - 20%
  • Strategy` - 20%
  • Trading Results - 20%
  • Client Feedback - 10%
  • Customer Support - 35%


The company has provided basic information and customer support gateways
They are promising high profitability


The trading results are not verified
Company is missing on customer reviews
They have not shared ample details about the strategy they are using

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