Profit Legacy

profit legacyProfit Legacy is a new free binary options trading software. It seems even around the holidays new systems like these are produced which means I don’t get the time off I want! I haven’t been trading at all because of the holidays so I have been able to spend some time with my family and I’m grateful for that.

Today I will be providing a short review so I can get back to my vacation, and I expect you want to do the same.

Profit Legacy Review

The front page of the profit legacy software consists of a video and an email subscription form. The video takes place inside of an old CRT television. Short clips are cycled between telling us how online business and working from home are popular options for people looking to make money.The video then moves into a couple of testimonials where people swear they’ve made large gains using this software. Some of the testimonials I actually recognize from other products, not good.

Once we get passed the initial phases of the profit legacy video we are introduced to the developer. He claims that we’ve been invited by a member of this software program to watch a limited one time only video. I know this isn’t true because I received an email from an affiliate marketer who emails people daily about new binary options products. That’s hardly the secret this developer wants us to believe.

After finishing the video that provides no information about the software I decided to check out the members area. Upon entering, you have to answer how much you want to make a month, and are given three large amounts as answers. As soon as you click an answer you have to create an account in a specified amount of time (if you refresh the page the time starts again). Here you will undoubtedly have to deposit money with a broker like usual.

Today I will not be recommending the profit legacy binary options trading system. There is nothing new here, no real innovation. Just a guy telling us we can make boat loads of money with no work and no money. It’s too good to be true, as the systems like these always are. If you have something you would like to add to the profit legacy review please leave your thoughts below. I look forward to hearing from you.

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  1. Harley Martin December 27, 2014

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