Multistar Trade review: A Crypto trading company or scam site?

Multistar Trade is an online investment company that deals in cryptocurrency trading. They offer various investment plans with a fixed rate of return and base this on the profits earned from investments in cryptocurrency. Keep in mind that this site does not offer you a cryptocurrency wallet or direct trading options. It is a pure investment company and they deal with which cryptocurrencies to invest in. However, they do offer profit of up to 140% after 15 days, which they guarantee as a fixed profit margin to investors. They claim to integrate a robotics system with crypto trading in order to achieve optimal results. While they do not mention the exact system that they are using, they base their high returns on this system. For the new trader, this may seem like a great deal as not many investments can guarantee to triple your investment every month. However, the experienced investor understands that there is a lot more to a site than the promises, so you should analyze all aspects of their offers in order to determine whether the company is offering legitimate trading options or not.

Multistar Trade is one of the most recent companies to form in the market and has only been operational since the beginning of 2020. They do not specify where they are based, but it seems like they are an international company that provides services in most countries. Unfortunately, they have not provided any registration details and neither are they registered with any financial regulatory authority. It is compulsory for companies to register with this regulatory body if they are providing financial services. What actually surprises us is that they have neither provided any registration details, not have they given a physical address for verification. No phone number is mentioned on this site either. The only way to contact them is via email at: You can visit the site at: .

Multistar Trade Review

The layout of the site is actually quite simple and they do not go into much details about their services. When you visit the Multistar Trade website, you will not find much information on exactly what they offer and what their strategy is. They simply lead you to their investment plans instead. The first plan offers a minimum investment of $3 with a return of 105% after 15 days. This means that you are basically doubling your money after every 15 days. While they do deal in direct deposit, it seems like they only payout using Bitcoin. Access to the site is free as they are an investment company and do not trade directly. They also offer Telegram support, but did not mention any details or provide any contact number.


Unfortunately, Multistar Trade is quite far behind when it comes to explaining their trading strategy. On the investor’s side, there is no need for any trading experience as their trading is fully automated. They claim to be using robotics to trade more effectively and increase their profit margin. However, they have not provided any specific details on what system they are using and which cryptocurrencies they are focusing on. While they claim to have long term partnerships with their investors as a priority, they are only offering short term plans, so their exact strategy is unclear.


  • Company: Multistar Trade
  • Product: Investment plans
  • Minimum investment: $3
  • Profit margin: 105% (unverified)
  • Trading strategy: Unspecified
  • Trading results: Unverified
  • Customer Feedback: Not available

You may be interested in looking into other similar platforms…Coinsource InvestmentBitcoin Fast ProfitInvExpert, and Crypto Omega.

Trading Results

Just as they have not provided any solid trading strategy, Multistar Trade does not provide any information or real trading results to show that they are actually trading in Cryptocurrency. This is important as an investor will always look at whether they are actually making profits before investing in the site. While the platform is still new, they should have some trading results that can back up their profit claims.

Client Feedback

As Multistar Trade is still a new platform, there are too few reviews to decide whether customers are satisfied with this site or not. The structure of this platform is also created in such a way that it favors initial investors just to gain traction, so it’s likely that more negative feedback will surface in the future.


Multistar Trade is a simple investment site. While they do claim to have complex robotics that help them win trades with low risk, they have not provided any details or proof of it. The company is also not registered with any financial regulatory authority and neither have they provided details on which cryptocurrencies they trade in or what trading strategy they use. They also don’t give important contact details such as their physical address or phone number. Taking all these factors into account as well as the fact their profit margins are almost impossible to achieve, investing in this site could mean losing all of your money.

Have you been considering to do business with Multistar Trade? If so, we would love to hear more from you! So, share your thoughts with us in the comments section below…!

Multistar Trade $3 (minimum investment)
  • Price - 60%
  • Strategy - 10%
  • Trading Results - 10%
  • Client Feedback - 10%
  • Customer Support - 20%


They offer various investment plans with fixed return
They are offering profit margins for up to 140% after just 15 days
They claim to have a automated system to ensure optimal results from crypto trading


There’s no guarantee that you will make any profit
The trading results are not authenticated at all
They have not shared their address or other means to reach out to them
They do not share any “real-time” trading results

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