Google trader is a new binary options product. This product is not affiliated with Google in any way, but the developers say that it uses the world’s biggest search engine to do all the work for this advanced auto trading software.
Today I’ll be providing a review and letting you know whether or not this system has truly made the developers over $6 million in the last year.
Google Trader Review
At first, I thought that the Google trader software only provided signals for the Google stock, this would make sense. This doesn’t seem to be the case though as the so-called live results on the webpage show nothing but Forex pairs. They tell us that the auto trading system is based on Google search engine algorithm but I just don’t see how that could be. I don’t see what role a search engine could play in a trading software. The developers also say that their software is 96.47% accurate which is a number I’ve never seen the top traders even come close to, which makes me considerably skeptical.
I have very little believe that the Google trader results are legitimate. There is this constant scrolling of winning trades on the front page of their website that shows hundreds of dollars being made in seconds. None of these trades can be verified despite the developers claims to have had his profits verified. The website is shiny but provides us with little substance, which I’ve grown to expect in this market. I need to know more about a trading strategy before I invest my money. Someone telling me it works and I’ve made millions using it, is not a worthwhile explanation. Details are important, and those who don’t provide them likely don’t understand binary trading.
I do not recommend Google Trader to the binary today readers at this point in time. Considering that this is another free-based binary options software I would prefer to take extra precautions. I’m sure you’ve heard me say it before but systems of this nature have never been successful as part of a long-term trading strategy. Automated trading in binary options may work some day but knowing that it hasn’t worked yet should be reason enough for us to be patient. If you something you would like to add to this review please leave your comments and questions below the article now. Thank you for coming to binary today and I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
( reviews)
I’ve signed up with Google trader, and they linked me with Secured options. I deposited $250 as required. One of the traders from Secured Options contacted me and asked me make another deposit of $4000 in order for them to assist me to trade. After I have made the deposit of $4000, Frank from Secured options phoned me again and asked me to invest another $6000 so that they can trade for me. When I refused to make a larger investment right away, Frank said he cannot trade for me, because my investment of $4000 is too small. I wasn’t happy about this, as I felt they had me invest more money under the false impression that if I do, they would trade for me, but I accepted it. A week later I could not log into my account due to the fact that my password has been changed, and after resetting my password, I found that there was only $3.98 in my account. When I e-mailed Frank about the incident, Frank told me that he no longer works on my account and that he has handed my account over to a junior analyst, who unfortunately lost all my money (trading without my permission). I phoned Secured options to launch an investigation. I’ve sent them the e-mail as sent to me by Frank, stating that he has given my account over to a junior analyst, and they did not even bother to phone or e-mail me back. When I phoned them again to find out how the investigation was going, they told me that no one else but myself can log in and trade on my account, and that the login came from my area. This shows me that my money was not safe with them, as they could not trace who logged into my account on their “secured” system (or are they just covering themselves?). So I know that Secured options is definitely a scam, and I’m not too sure about Google trader, seeing that they linked me to Secured options.
Hi Roelof, sorry to hear that Google trader didn’t work out for you. I’m not really surprised though as I gave it a negative review. Consider looking at higher rated programs here:
I tried to connect to Goog le trader but joined,, IVORY OPTION ” broker because I phoned the man who supposedly represented the Google Trader broker. I suspect that I cheated?
Hi Antanas, not sure what you mean but I don’t recommend the Google Trader. I suggest you see the ratings here
I have tried GT and sorry to say to anyone who may be interested in GT Dont!! I have lost money on the opening first day of trading 3 wins and 8 losing trades the losing trades carried on from this point, I turned off the auto trader,
I don’t know how these people are allowed to carry on scamming people with false promises.
I don’t understand how to make it work,
Hi Layla, I don’t recommend this software, I suggest you check out the top rated systems here:
I’m willing to do a live test
What is the verdict of Google Trader? Some say it may be a scam, others say that its claims are too good to be true. Anybody has experience with it or know others who have experienced it would kindly let me know via email or so.
Thank you in anticipation
Hi Sherome, I see more negative than positive here but there doesn’t seem to be enough for a final determination. I’m not sure if I would try it at this point.
I registered with them and now they send me emails and recommend the 5k Profit Club to me today. Very strange, isn’t it?
That is. Maybe some sort of connection there.
Like you, he began by declaring it a scam, but apparently some users were seeing good results and asked him to try it and update his review, after which he apparently saw good results. I’m sceptical of a lot of review sites, so was wondering if you’d consider testing the software yourself to verify his findings…?
Hi Trevor, I don’t trust that review.
Yeah, it definitely seemed a bit too good to be true!