Christmas Profits

christmas profitsChristmas profits is a new binary options trading system that looks to work just during the holiday season so this is hardly a long term investment. The developers of this system claim that if you wait 15 minutes and enter your email for free access you’ll get a program hundreds of people have paid thousands of dollars for.

I hate to rain on anybody’s parade or via negative Nancy during the holiday season but I don’t believe that this review is going to be very positive.

Christmas Profits Review

The Christmas profits tool looks to be another free binary options trading system. I believe the developer of this system probably just recycled the same software thats he’s givien away free (not really free) hundreds of times on sites like this. I see the exact same counters that I see in all the other websites that tell me my VIP spot has expired and I will be able to get access but if I refresh the page suddenly all the timers start back again.

Two web browsers open on the same site, how could this be?

If you go into the members area the Christmas profits software you will see so-called live results that show the system trading profitly for 3 days. One, I don’t believe that these results are real in the first place and since when has 3 days been enough time for us to really evaluate a software? Never. If you buy a software and are disappointed in it within the first week then you need to reevaluate your trading style because your expectations don’t make sense.

Today I will not be recommending the Christmas profits free binary system to any binary today reader. This is clearly just another lame product trying to cash in on the Christmas spirit and I won’t have it. I’m sori if I come across like the Grinch sometimes but somebody has to make sure that the binary today readers aren’t throwing their money away on useless products. If you have something you would like to contribute to this article please leave your comments below, I appreciate hearing from all of you.

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  1. ryanrhodd December 20, 2015
  2. ROBERT WHEELAGHAN October 3, 2015
  3. PHILIP January 7, 2015

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