Hey guys, John Kane here with BinaryToday.com and today I’m doing my fourth podcast, you don’t want to miss this one.
Today I discuss the Binary Today Trader, the state of the market (important) and go through the mailbag.
Podcast Intro & Binary Today Trader
I know there’s been a lot of you asking me where I’ve been and why I haven’t done another podcast but I’ve been extremely busy. I’ve been busy with the creation and distribution of my first trading system, the Binary Today Trader. This is a binary options system that uses a strategy that I’ve personally traded over the past two years.
The Binary Today Trader provides traders with:
- Real results
- Historical testing
- Works inย all countries
- Works with all pairs
- Provides multiple expiry time signals
The system is something that I’m proud of, so obviously I haven’t had a lot of time to create podcasts since I’ve been so focused on releasing this system to the public. Now that it’s out to the public, it’s been performing very well for the Binary Today readers and I’m very happy with it’s success.
State of the Market
Today there’s a few things I want to talk about. The Binary Today Trader is one, but I also want to go through the Binary Today Mailbag and discuss the state of the market and some of the issues that we’ve been dealing with.
I will say that a lot of our competitors are looking for ways to try and hurt us. They believe that I’m hurting their product sales because I inform you properly about the viability of trading systems. Then there are lots of copy cats that are trying to follow my mold and pretend to offer legitimate opinions. When I started out two years ago I was the only person exposing scams but now when I look around there are a bunch of blogs that do the same thing. The problem is, these blogs don’t actually know anything. They are just saying this and that is a scam to get publicity and promote the system that makes them money.
This is dangerous.
The difference here at Binary Today is that you have someone you can trust, myself and you also have the star rating system. So when you got to see what the best binary options software or best binary options broker is you can see our readers are placing the votes. Go ahead, place a vote yourself.
Our readers decide what systems belongs at the top.
We have thousands of votes for the brokers, and the systems. The Binary Today Trader is currently rated [ratings id=”32595″] (CLICK TO VOTE).
Just a couple of weeks agoย our website was hacked.
I believe I know the culprits, the people behind it. I know they are competitors of mine. I won’t name them and give them publicity but these are the same people that called me a drug dealer and said horrible things about me that just aren’t true. They own what seems like over 20 web-sites in this market and all promote the same auto trader systems that keep crashing trader’s accounts. The fact that people would go out of there way to hack my website proves the type of people that they are.
The bottom line is this, try one of my products and try one recommended by them. I know what will work better, you’ll be coming back to me because I know my systems work.
Binary Today Mailbag
Let’s head right into the mailbag here since it connects perfectly with my discussions on the state of the market. I have a question from Jacob from last week. Jacob said that he’s used five autotraders and he’s lost all his money every time. He wants to know why?
That’s an easy question for me to answer. It’s my belief that all binary autotraders are scams. I haven’t found one that works or one person that uses them successfully. All I see is accounts getting drained by Virtnext, BinaryOptionsRobot.com, Copy Buffet etc.
There’s hundreds of these released every month and they never work.
The only systems I’ve seen work in the binary options market are the systems that are top rated by the binary today readers.
These other websites try so hard to convince us that their autotraders will make us thousands but they shouldn’t have to convince us, they should let their software do the talking. So many loud voices, but no real messages.
Know that I have your back.
The next question is from Sal, he says my broker wants to trade for me what should I do?
This is an easy answer. Don’t let brokers trade for you. There are way to many horror stories and I’ve recently heard from one of my readers that got hit really bad by his broker. Drained him of thousands of dollars because the account manager of his broker was trading for him and he was trading the entire equity of the account with each trade. Now, if you ask me that is not a trained individual.
I’ve since told him to move to a better binary options broker, one that’s top rated by our readers.
Wrapping Up
Be careful with what you are reading out there and always come back to Binary Today.
I have your back and I always will.
Thanks for listening to episode 4 of the podcast and let me know what you think.
( reviews)
Hi John,
Listening to your podcast, I would like to commend your lack of affiliate status compared to all other reviewers. You supply no links to Bots you review. Thank you … ๐๐๐๐ ๐๐๐
John, I did not know how to get in touch, so I am using this format. I wanted to let you know first off, I am a dinosaur when it comes to computer and if it weren’t for my son helping me, I would still be trying to figure out how to run the program I bought from you yesterday. After about 5 hours we went back into the instructions video and got it installed and running. This morning I got three signals and each was a winner. Then this afternoon, I went to M5 and got two signals which were also winners. On top of that, I hit the wrong button on one of the trades this afternoon and wound up with a two minute trade instead of an M5. But I lucked out and that too was a winner. So my first day of using Binary Today Trader was a 6 for 6. Not bad. I am working on growing my account so I can make larger trades and this is the kind of help I was looking for. Thanks a bunch and I hope to write again soon with news of more success.
Hi Joe, really glad to hear it’s working well for you so far. I haven’t spent much time with the 5 minute trades myself. I generally prefer the M30 and H1 but maybe I will look into the shorter trades considering your success. Sorry to hear it took a while for you to set up, you are the first to say so but I will certainly look for ways to improve.