Binary Wealth Builders

binary-wealth-buildersBinary Wealth Builders is my second binary options software signal service review of the day. The developers of this software tell us that their wealth building club can bank traders $600,000 a year for free.

In this review I’ll be taking a closer look at the software and informing the binary today community on whether or not I believe this automated binary options solution has the potential to truly grow accounts.

Binary Wealth Builders Review

As I’ve come to expect, the Binary Wealth Builders front page consists of an email subscription form and a short video. The video starts off with a man sitting outside telling us that he lost his car and his house. He tells us that for over 3 years he was consistently scammed but when he got involved with this software it turned his life around. This then transitions into another testimonial which is not actually people talking but a picture of a person with a narration behind them. The second testimonial comes from a man who tells us that he’s fallen for fake system after fake system and every week he was depositing money into different accounts and losing it all within just a few days. This trader also tells us that this software was the solution to the problem.

As the video continues we see more Binary Wealth Builders testimonials. If you’ve been on binary today before you probably know that I’m not a big testimonial guy. I have a really hard time trusting testimonials because you can spend $25 and have 5 testimonials. Knowing that and seeing how bad the actors are in most of these videos it makes it extremely difficult for me to associate any sort of trust with the people producing these videos and products.

Binary Wealth Builders Thoughts

At this point I won’t be recommending the Binary Wealth Builders software. This is for multiple reasons. Obviously, I am not a fan of binary options testimonial videos. They prove nothing to me and they really just get in the way. Next, I have not yet tried the software so I’m not in a position to tell you that you should use it. Your best course of action here with likely be to take a step back and return to my review in a few weeks to see what the community has to say about the software. We are not in position where we have to rush and that’s our advantage is binary options consumers. Take your time and wait for more information from actual traders about the system before getting involved. If you would like to add something to this review please leave your comments below the article. Thank you for coming to binary today.

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