Lucky 350

Lucky-350Lucky 350 is a new binary options artificial intelligence system that’s making its owner nearly $20,000 a day. The developer of this software is now making it available for free to anyone who is interested in securing their spot today.

In this review I will be analyzing the potential of this system and telling the binary today readers if it’s worthwhile to become part of this 350 people.

Lucky 350 Review

The lucky 350 website consists of very little. There is a 6 minute video that introduces us to this binary options software and tells the binary community what to expect. The video on the front page of the website says that today’s day 7 and it’s the last day that the developer is going to be inviting 50 lucky people to join this program. I was actually on this website yesterday in the afternoon doing some research and the information was the exact same. What I mean by this is the developer was telling me yesterday was day 7, so I’m not sure if the website should be down or this is just a marketing gimmick.

Like most videos in the binary options market the lucky 350 presentation shows a screenshots of bank accounts in binary options statements. None of these can be verified or trusted is real trading proof as far as I’m concerned. I’ve reviewed so many free systems over the years that I’ve actually seen the same screenshots multiple times over. I’m not saying that’s the case with this review today but they are certainly following the same sort of marketing methods. I am not here to condemn this product in any way but I want to get across some sort of critical analysis so that the readers here make better informed decisions.

Today I can’t give a full conclusion because I haven’t tested the software yet. For this system I’m going to take the wait and see approach. If you’ve tested this software, you’re interested in it, or you have nothing good to say about it at all please leave your comments below now. I would appreciate hearing from you because that will help me make my final recommendation. Thanks for coming to binary today and I hope that this website acts as a useful tool for you in your binary options trading career.

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