Wealth Crew – $4511 Per Week Review

wealth-crewWealth Crew is a new binary options product by Nathan Schmidt. Nathan promises over $4500 a week to traders that join according to the sales page his crew. According to the sales page this software is available free for the first 90 days, in which traders will earn over $400,000.

Today I will be providing a review and letting you know if this system can truly live up to such aggressive expectations.

Wealth Crew Review

As much as I would like to believe the Wealth Crew sales page, it’s more than likely that this is a binary options software that will let traders down. One of the first things we are told in the video is that the software is 100% guaranteed to make you wealthy. Yet, if you take a look at the wrist disclaimer at the bottom of the sales page they claim that they don’t explicitly express or implied warranties or guarantees. So while in the video Nathan Schmidt feels compelled to make promises, he’s actually acting against his disclaimer.

Video Analysis

Wealth Crew Guarantees

As far as I’m concerned, any binary options product that is guaranteeing over $4000 a week is most certainly a scam. There is no binary options software capable of making traders thousands of dollars on a daily basis without any risk involved. This concept of free money is not something anyone should believe in because it’s an absolute fantasy. The only way you’re going to make your dreams come true with binary options trading is by trading in learning, not by free automated systems.


The developers of the Wealth Crew have the nerve to claim that their system is endorsed by John Thain, Lloyd Blankfein and George Soros. I don’t believe for a 2nd that this is true. These are all very big names in the free market and I can’t see any of them being caught dead promoting a small scale binary options trading system.


Developers in the binary options market will generally dig their own graves if you give them enough time. Each sales page is usually a collection of lies and with each lie they become more and more unbelievable. In this case, the final straw is certainly these fake endorsements.


There is no reason for you to signup for a 90 day free trial with the Wealth Crew. It’s very clear to me that this binary options trading system is built on a foundation of lies. This product has never been seen in the Wall Street Journal and it’s not going to make you over $4511 a week.

If you are really interested in binary options trading I recommend you check out the binary options 101 page here at Binary Today and learn how to trade the right way. The strategies I reveal on this website are all based on real trading knowledge, which is more than I can say about any of the auto-traders in this market. Thanks for stopping by and have a great day.

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