Binary Pro App

binary pro appBinary Pro App is a new binary options trading software that is being offered to traders for free. The main page for this software consists of a short video, and a handful of testimonials surrounding it.

Today I will provide a full review of this software and let the binary options community understand if this is worth their time.

Binary Pro App Review

Much like any other free binary system, you have a video that shows a lavish lifestyle and really tries to get traders to enter their email address go claim free access to the binary pro app. You will notice that they spelled claim wrong as well which is not very professional. I worry about investing large sums of money in a company that isn’t serious enough to proof read the front page of their web site.

After entering the binary pro app members area there is another short video under 2 minutes long. After watching this the developers pressure you to sign up to their recommended broker options maker. After you do this then you can gain access to the software.

As I’ve said 100 times before all free binary options systems have failed. With that being said there is no reason for me to continue reviewing the software. At the end of the day I am not going to recommend the binary Pro app to any binary today reader. There is no reason for us to get involved with a system like this since the track record has been so poor. I feel like we go into using a software like this with the expectations and I don’t think that’s ever a smart way of investing. If you think I’m wrong or you just want to contribute your own opinions about the binary Pro app please leave a response below the article. There is an area there for comments and you can also sign up to our newsletter if you like. There are many putting binary options systems on the market, this just isn’t one of them.


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  1. Ken November 1, 2014
    • John Kane November 3, 2014
  2. keith June 16, 2014
    • John Kane June 26, 2014

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