Binary auto trades is the self-proclaimed future of automated binary trading. Considering there hasn’t been an automated binary options system to provide winning trades up until this point I am obviously skeptical about the potential of this trading system.
Today I will be providing a review and letting the binary today readers understand whether or not this system meet some of the criteria we desire.
Binary Auto Trades Review
On the binary auto trades website they provide results from a few months ago that shows the robot earn $286 over a two hour span. The results really don’t give a clear indication on how the software would trade moving forward. I would like to see a lot more than just two hours and 19 minutes of trading this software did three months ago. It hardly gives me the impression that this software is performing well now.
The second part of the binary auto trades website includes a frequently asked questions portion. The developers of this software claim that with a $250 account traders should expect to make between $7-$800 a week. The software trades on the major currency pairs and the developers claim that it has an average success rate of 85%. This is really all the information provided.
Today I will not be recommending the binary auto trades system as these automated options trading software’s have only failed up until this point. I was also quite disappointed by the results and a frequently asked questions portions of the website. There was very little information about the strategy and the you tube video at the top of the site was also uninformative and unprofessional. If you something you would like to add to this review please leave your comments below the article. Thank you for coming to binary today and I hope you come back again soon.
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