Auto Binary Spy

auto binary spyAuto binary spy is a new 100 percent automated binary options trading robot. The developer of the system claims to be a veteran binary options trader that uses a commodity trading robot to make himself nearly $2 million and now he’s offering it to the binary options community.

Today I’ll be providing a review of this software and letting the binary today community understand the risks and potential.

Auto Binary Spy Review

The auto binary spy automatically trades and it’s strategy supposedly spies on bank money movements. I’m not exactly sure how that works and I’m a little skeptical on if that is even true. Outside of that sentence there really is no discussion about the strategy for this system is actually using in order to place trades. I always find it difficult to invest my money in a system blindly like this without any understanding.

As for auto binary spy results there are a couple of screenshots that show large accounts and a couple of days trading here and there. The last results I see are from 2013 so I’m really not sure if there updating this website or if they stopped providing the software. Regardless, it doesn’t seem like they are focused on providing new screenshots. This makes it very difficult for me to invest again because one day trading in 2013 doesn’t exactly give me a lot of confidence in the long-term viability of the software.

I think at this point I’m simply not going to recommend the auto binary spy. Obviously I wasn’t impressed with the description provided in regards to the strategy as well as the one screenshot showing trades from last year. When you’re making an investment make sure to look at the details like these and you’ll probably end up with the right software. If you something you would like to ask me or if you would like to contribute to this review please leave a comment below or send me a personal email from the contact page.

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