Your Legacy Club Review

your-legacy-clubYour Legacy Club is a new binary options system offering a partnership with Bill “Millionaire” O’Doherty that guarantees to turn $250 into $10,000. Bill believes that he has a road map to trading that “tells you exactly where you need to go and what you need to do, without any question marks.”

Today I’ll be providing a review of this software so the Binary Today readers understand if it’s a viable system or not.

Your Legacy Club Review

According to the Your Legacy Club ceator Bill O’Doherty he’s had the golden touch since he was a youngster. Due to early success in his life he’s been able to spend time focusing on how to manipulate the financial industry to his advantage. He’s consulted and advised with Goldman Sachs, J.P. Morgan and Citibank. Yet, when I do a Google search to find more information on Bill I come up empty. I found one Twitter account that followed a bunch of video game accounts so that can’t be him and the rest of the search results are for this product.

There’s a screen shot of Bloomberg Business on the Your Legacy Club website showing Bill O’Doherty on the front page. I decided to check Bloomberg Business myself to make sure there truly is an article about this software. There isn’t. So what does this mean? This means that the developer of this product took an image of Bill and photoshopped it on the front page of Bloomberg to make the product seem legitimate. While this isn’t a crime it’s enough mistrust for me to avoid this product altogether. If they can lie about one thing, then they can lie about another and that’s a risk I just can’t take when it comes to investing my money.

I will not be recommending Your Legacy Club to the Binary Today readers. I don’t believe that Bill O’Doherty is some multi-millionaire handing out a free software to a bunch of people he doesn’t know online with no strings attached. I believe that this system will not products the $10,000 that Bill promises and likely end up draining your account overnight. I wish I had better news this time around but I don’t. If you have something you would like to add to my review please do so now. I look forward to hearing from you and hope that you get some big wins today.

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