The Trade Power

the trade powerThe trade power is a new binary options software that claims to provide exclusive 100% 7 day fund insurance. There was another binary options product that provided insurance just two weeks ago called insured profits and it turned out to be a total sham so we have to be careful here.

Today I will be providing a review and likely steering you away from this new product.

The Trade Power Review

The trade power uses the same annoying marketing techniques seen in almost every binary options product. You get on the website and you are inundated with daily member profits, certified stamps and lack of availability (1 spot left). The problem with this is when you refresh the web site all the counters start at the exact same point which goes to prove that they are fake. Now, how am I expected to invest money into a company that is fooling me within minutes of getting on the site? I’m not and neither are you.

The developers of the trade power in the members area show a collection of trades that shows an account go from $250 to over $250,000. It shows a win rate of nearly 90% in a month. I have a hard time believing that these trades are real because in the results box they don’t show us any dates or times. With that in mind, it is very easy to fabricate these results because there is no way for us to go back and check each single trade.

Today I will not be recommending the trade power. It truly is just another free binary options trading system. We are forced to fill out forms and make deposits in order to gain access to the software. Every single trading system of this ilk has failed and thus there is no reason for us to invest our money. If you are looking for real binary options products that work then look around my website. If you are unsure of anything just send me a personal email and I will talk with you about your options in binary options trading. Thanks for coming and have a great day.


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