The Silver Millionaire

the-silver-millionaireThe silver millionaire is a binary options software developed to focus on the silver asset. The people behind this system are telling traders that their offer is free and that it’s limited to the first 13 people who sign up. Historically, this is just a marketing method so I wouldn’t put too much stock into it.

Today I’ll be providing a review and informing the binary today readers on how to approach this system and whether or not it is likely to make traders into millionaires as promised.

The Silver Millionaire Review

The silver millionaire website leaves a lot to the imagination, there is a video, a few images and some email subscription forms. The video starts off by telling traders that silver has been looked over time and time again. Consistently traders and the main stream media focus on gold and forget about silver. The developer of this system tells us that because of this he’s found that silver is the “all new super secret way that regular guys like you and me are becoming multi-millionaires.” I’m hoping that he has some sort of strategy to back all this up.

As the silver millionaire video continues the narrator tells traders that they can become millionaires with little to no money and effort. I’ve certainly heard this sales pitch before, probably 15 times this week. Next, the developer introduces himself as Robert Crawford and tells us he’s made over 3 million dollars using his silver strategy. Sadly, the strategy is never discussed and we are just shown images, but no real proof. There’s no guarantee that the accounts we are being shown are from binary options trading or are real at all. Robert tells us that he doesn’t want to invest in silver, he just wants to trade it so I’m not sure why he spends so much time talking about the viability of this metal.

At this point I can’t recommend the silver millionaire. I don’t have a good handle on whether this is a scam or a legitimate product because I haven’t tested it yet. I’m hoping the binary today community will leave comments here and we can start a discussion about this software. So please, let me know your thoughts now. Thanks for coming to binary today and I hope this review helps you make a better consumer decision.

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