The Kiwi method is a recycled binary options product by Jake Mason. Jake is promising traders that his binary options system will make anyone hundreds of thousands of dollars within one month. If his software doesn’t perform as he promises then he’ll pay traders $10,000 out of his own pocket. Honestly, I’ve seen this promise so many times in the past and the developer never steps up and follows through.
Today I’ll be providing a review and letting you know why I believe you should stay away from this binary options product and developer.
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The Kiwi Method Review
If you’ve been in the binary options market for more than a couple of months then you likely recognize the Kiwi method website. The developer of the system has put together a collection of websites that look the exact same, make the same promises him and always failed to deliver. With each website, Jake goes by a different name and attempts to focus his efforts on a location-based demographic. In this case, Jake is trying to appeal to people who live in New Zealand. In the past, Jake has tried to market towards Canadians, British, Irish, and many more. It seems as if the goal is not to have the best product but to find an angle that will interest traders.
The problem with the approach for the Kiwi method is that most of us understand what he’s doing. There are quite a few review sites that have exposed Jake and so I don’t believe he’s doing much business, but it’s always important for me to write these reviews. I don’t believe that Jake is genuine in any of his promises because we’ve seen his systems fail time and time again. This is a large enough sample size now for me to come to an easy conclusion.
I will not be recommending the Kiwi method or any other product that Jake Mason produces. Jake doesn’t come up with new products, he comes up with new websites and sells the exact same failing system over and over again. It’s clear to me that Jake is only looking out for himself and has no interest in producing a profitable binary options trading software for the marketplace. Make sure that you stay away from this developer and anything that he puts out in the future. Please let me know what you think about the software offering and whether or not I’ve been too harsh in my review. I look forward to hearing from you and hope that we can continue this discussion and come to more conclusions as a community. Thank you for spending this time on binary today and let’s start this week off with some successful trades.