TauriBot is the latest in a long line of binary options automated trading systems. According to the sales page this system is sponsored by Chicago university and participants in their tests made $80,000 in 8 weeks by pushing a single click of a button. They now claim to be offering the first 100 beta-testers free access to this system.
Today I’ll be providing a review so the Binary Today readers understand how this works and if we should jump in on all the hype.
TauriBot Review
One constant on the Tauribot website is there claim that they are associated Chicago University. There is only one university that goes by this title and it’s the University of Chicago. Yet, on the website we never see the college referenced properly and while the web-site design is similar the crest is different. Considering the entire framework behind this product is the university, it’s important that we analyze this closer. I decided that I would research the university web page and contact their press department to get confirmation of this study by Steven Archer.
My findings leave me with very little confidence in the Tauribot software. Firstly, they misspelled, Steven Archer, it’s Stephen Archer and he’s a cardiologist so he would not be conducting studies about binary options. Next, the University of Chicago has no information on their web page about this study and when I contacted their press department they had no idea what I was talking about. This leaves me confused and I’m at this point now where I certainly need some answers from the developers of this system. If this isn’t from the University of Chicago then who is it from and how can I get in touch with the people who ran the study? Without this type of confirmation I can’t see myself recommending this system to any of the Binary Today readers.
At this point we are at a stand still with the TauriBot software. I have reached out to their support team to try and get answers to some of my questions and I’m awaiting a reply. Obviously, I believe that we should tread cautiously until we find out who is behind this system. With all the research I’ve done I’m worried that there is no Chicago university and that this is all an elaborate story to promote a binary options auto trader. Let me know what you think, am I being to skeptical or is my research warranted? Thanks for the feedback in advance.
( reviews)
There is nooo Chicago University……only University of Chicago and this Dr. does not exist
I contacted to Chicago University and received their below email:
Shelley Rossell
To nxman2001 @ yahoo.com
CC security @ uchicago.edu Feb 29 at 12:47 AM
Dear Nguyen Xuan Man,
Thank you for inquiring. This is a scam. It is not affiliated with The University of Chicago. There is no such Steven Archer, PhD, affiliated with The University of Chicago. We have taken measures to have our name disaffiliated but the misleading information still persists in some areas.
Shelley Rossell
Shelley Rossell
IT Security
The University of Chicago
security @ uchicago.edu
Please, give me some comments why they deny Tauribot?
Tauribot is a scam. They got me for $400…. My bad. Not again.