Simple Profits Review

simple-profitsSimple profits is a new binary options application that made it’s owner over $75,000 in the past week. According to their webpage there is only 1 spot available but I’m sure there is an unlimited amount of positions and this is just a tactic used to make the system seem more important. This doesn’t mean the product is bad but it’s not the best way to get my interested.

Today I’ll review this application so the binary today readers understand if this is a viable investment opportunity.

Simple Profits Review

The simple profits web site consists of a video, an email subscription form, a frequently asked questions area and a couple images of news stories. Sadly, it is my belief that these news stories are fabricated. One story is supposedly from the New York Times, the title reads “Newly released binary app makes becoming a millionaire easy.” The other article shows an image of a man on the front cover of the BBC with the title “26 year old earns 70K per month thanks to newly released simple profits system. Since binary options has little to no presence in the main stream media I was surprised to see these images on the front page of this website. Yet, after doing research I was unable to find either of these articles on the BBC or the New York times. This is certainly a red flag and something we have to keep in mind when moving forward and considering the application.

In the frequently asked questions section of the simple profits website there is a question “is it real? how can I know this is not a scam?” To which the answer is they have verified accounts and testimonials as well as live updating Facebook and twitter feeds. Despite going into the members area and analyzing this application fully, I find no social networking feeds anywhere. I also see no verified results, just a flash application creating a bar graph and a line chart. Nothing that’s verified.

I’m not recommending simple profits to the binary today readers. The red flags outweigh the potential for gains. If this developer is serious they will make changes to the website. If there is something you would like to add to my review feel free to leave a comment below. I look forward to hearing your comments and hope that you will spend more time here on binary today going through all our reading materials.

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