Profit Generator is a brand-new binary options software that is offering traders the opportunity to become a secret millionaire. The people that are putting the software market are telling traders that they are highly rated software is responsible for making a collective profit of over $250,000.
As per usual, I’ll be providing a detailed review and analyzing the profit potential of this software for the binary today community.
Profit Generator Review
Like most free binary options software in the market the Profit Generator webpage is minimal. It consists of a seven minute long YouTube video and a place where traders can enter their name and email to access the free members area. In the video on the front page the developer of the software introduces himself to us as Tom Martinez. Sadly, we only get to see Tom’s back which is blurred looking out a window. He tells us about how he worked at Wall Street but was disappointed by some of this shady practices happening there so he left. Then we learn that he has an eidetic memory and that is very good with numbers.
As the video continues the Profit Generator developer continues to tell us more about himself and his photographic memory. The story continues any tells us about his extremely mean but rich boss. One day he had an argument with his boss and came across his bosses trading algorithm. Due to his eidetic memory he was able to remember this algorithm and now he used it to create this trading software is providing for the binary options community. As I get to the end of the video I am very disappointed. I’m disappointed because I didn’t learn anything here. I’ve told this story with no substantial evidence to back up any single point he made in the story. Like usual, there is absolutely no discussion of binary options strategy or methodology.
Today I’m not recommending the Profit Generator to the binary today community for all of the reasons that I highlighted above. A 7 minute story in a YouTube video with some images and text is not enough to win me over as an investor. I need stats, strategic discussion and proof of each of these elements. There is no reason for us to get involved with systems that are basing their entire marketing strategy on a story. These people should get into novel writing because it really seems to me like they’re not traders at all. If you something you would like to add to this review please leave your comments and questions below. I look forward to hearing from you and hope that you a similar opinion to mind about the Profit Generator.
Profit Generator is review video three today. Might have more to come but please check this one out for now and let me know your thoughts.
( reviews)
Hi John,
I completely agree all these promotions seem to follow a very similar format with no information about the strategy or rationale behind it. I have found another one this morning that is a modification of the 60 second 5 point strategy which we know doesn’t work. This one is promoting a succession of 30 min trades with the popularity tool and turns out to be an affiliate marketer promoting stockpair. Common sense tells you that there isn’t a trading strategy that is 100% successful. It is just not possible unless the people behind these systems possess special abilities such as being able to see into the future and predict the markets with 100% accuracy. You can use technical and mathematical analysis on the charts with reasonable success but the best system in the world will never be 100% accurate. That is the nature of the beast and the people behind these systems really need to examine their ethics. We should all be helping and learning from each other not trying to rip each other off. Things work better when we work together and I just want to say thanks for all the work you do and information you share. It is very much appreciated John.