Power Profit Platform is a new binary options trading system that’s promising traders that 7 new users will get a daily salary of over $2,000 starting today after watching their short video. That’s going to be tough considering it’s the weekend and the markets are closed.
Today I’ll be providing a quick review so you know if this system is worth your time and hard earned dollars.
Power Profits Platform Review
The power profits platform website consists of a video, an email subscription form and an overload of purple. Maybe they are trying to attract more women to their product? I’m not sure but as a simple red and blue guy I can’t say that I approve. The video starts by telling us that right after watching it 25 of us will be able to make between $1500 and $2500 from the comfort of our homes. Considering the headline at the top of the page says that 7 users will get access I’m not sure why this number is different in the video. That’s probably something they should sort out. The developer of the software is George Serriton, he shows us a picture of himself and he looks like a handsome man with a perfect beard driving a car. He wants to show us why binary doesn’t deserve the bad name it’s been given the last few years. I would have to agree with half of this sentiment.
Like George, the developer of the power profits platform I also believe that binary shouldn’t have such a bad name. Yet, the vendors in this market are aggressive and the loudest voice is heard too often. While I agree with George on this fact, I don’t agree with his marketing approach. As the video continues George shows us bank accounts with over $3 million. I feel this is a deceptive type of marketing. There’s no way for us to know how he earned this money and also if this isn’t just photo shopped. These are questions we always have to ask.
Today I won’t be recommending the power profits platform because I need to know more. There is very little information on the website and certainly not enough for me to come to a final decision. I will need to hear from the binary options community and hopefully we can come to a consensus together if there is even enough interest to warrant the discussion. If you have anything you want to add to the review please leave your thoughts below the article now.