Perfect Profits Review

perfect-profitsPerfect profits is a new binary options system that promising to make traders $5000 a day anywhere in the world. The developers are currently providing traders with a zero risk free 20 a day trial. As of right now there are apparently over 200 people watching this video but I’ve seen claims like that before and they are usually false.

Today I’ll be providing a review and letting you know if this is a trading opportunity we should take advantage of here at binary today.

Perfect Profits Review

The perfect profits webpage consists of a YouTube video and an email subscription form. According to the producers the video will only be aired to the first 200 visitors the land on this page. What I would like to do is a little test. On the bottom of this page it says that over 200 people are watching this video right now. So by doing simple math we know that if we come back to this website tomorrow in the video will no longer be available and the product won’t be either. So what I think we should do is wait until tomorrow, if we come back to this webpage and the binary options software is still available to the community we know that the development team lied to us and that they shouldn’t deserve our trust. If the product is no longer available, we might of missed out but I’m willing state my reputation on the belief that they are lying to us.

The perfect profits video tries to make it seem like this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that’s only available for a short period of time. They do this so that we look past the flaws, the lack of results, the no real true evidence and sign up anyways. In the video we see screenshots of traders with thousands of dollars in trading accounts but we are not shown deposit slips or withdrawals or actual trades so we don’t know how the software performs or if these results were even achieved using this software. There are too many variables and not enough answers.

Today I will not be recommending perfect profits to any of the binary today readers. I gave you a test and I suggest that you try it out, go back to the profits page tomorrow and see if it still available. Considering they say that they have 200 people watching the video right now and after 200 people the doors is supposed to shut that should they be shut right now? The video presentation is confusing and the members area show results from 2014, these are red flags and I can look past them. I hope you appreciate my review and that it clears up any questions or concerns you may have had. If not, leave your comment below.

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  1. Jahir March 17, 2016
  2. nomsa January 22, 2016
    • John Kane January 22, 2016

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