Pecunia Pact

pecunia pactPecunia pact is a new free binary options trading software. The people that put this system together claim that they are looking for beta testers right now and that they are giving away $200-$2500 per day.

Today I’ll be providing review and letting you know my thoughts and opinions on this binary options system.

Pecunia Pact Review

The pecunia pact is following the same marketing is all the free binary options trading systems that it failed before it. For some reason the owner of the system Walther Hardmann is pushing the pact by saying they are looking for beta testers. For some reason that I do not understand every single free binary system on this market in the past week or two keep saying they are looking for beta testers. Now let me make something very clear, beta testing is what is done before a product is good enough to be released to the public. That means, that this product is not ready to be used by average consumers, it is not something to get excited about.

beta tester

While you may feel like you’re getting in on the ground floor of the pecunia pact, most systems fail miserably in the beta testing phase. The average software goes through months if not years of real beta testing before it is released to the public. That means you can easily lose all of your money while helping them test their system. When I put it that way it really doesn’t sound like a great deal anymore does it?

Today I will not be recommending this pecunia pact to the binary today readers. There is no reason for us to get involved in testing some software for someone else. The risks are just too great. Your best bet is to use binary options software that is already established and has already undergone the beta testing process. If you have something you would like to add to this review please leave your thoughts and remarks below the article. I look forward to hearing from you and hope that this article has helped to make the right decision.

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  1. Ken March 5, 2015
    • John Kane March 6, 2015

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