One Click Signals

one click signalsOne click signals is a new binary options signal service. The developer of this software wants us to know that Chris hasn’t worked a single day in the past three years but every June he flies his family first class to Europe for a three month luxury vacation.

Today I’ll be providing a review( and letting you know about the signal service and hopefully not about Chris and his Europe trip.

One Click Signals Review

Despite being called one click signals this is actually an automated binary trading options application. Due to the lack of success of every single automated binary trading software I have to approach this system with skepticism and I really have to be won over. The video on the front page tells us the story about a man named Chris who was born with nothing and three years ago he was an unemployed frustrated loser but now he’s retired and makes over $160,000 a month.

The developers of one click signals claims that in the next seven minutes they are going to give traders access to an automated system that could make $2800 in seven days. There are no claims on the Internet by a reputable binary options trader that this is true. The entire video is just a marketing video, there is no discussion of strategy and this really does not look like the investment for me.

I will not be recommending one click signals to the binary today community. This system looks like it’s way too much marketing flash and I highly doubt there is any real tangible proof that this works. I have talked with many reputable binary options traders and none of them have heard of the system or believe that it can do what it says. If you something you would like to add to this review please leave your thoughts below the article.

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  1. Harley Martin October 4, 2014

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