My cash bot auto quick software is a new trading app that took 223 average people with no experience and gave them the opportunity to make nearly $2000 a day for over 90 days. The developers of this software claim that they’ve given people monthly incomes of over $35,000. These are some really grandscale claims so it is important that we be careful when approaching this new system.
Today I’ll be providing a review and letting the readers of binary today understand my opinions on this new software.
My Cash Bot Review
The owners of this my cash bot have a bunch of timers on the website saying that there are only three licenses available in the longer you spend on the website the faster this time or goes down. Eventually the timer hits zero but if you refresh the page and returns back to five which means I believe that this timer is only a marketing tool. They also have supposedly I trading accounts from different people that have been using the software but I’m not really sure if I can believe that these are true people after just being lied to about the free license countdown.
I decided to take the image of Sophia Markv and put it into a Google images search to see if she is a real person and to give me some more clarity about my cash bot. Sadly, I found images of this woman on multiple different websites with multiple different names. This means that she is actually just a stock image that was purchased or taken from these websites and used.
Today I will not be recommending my cash bot to the binary today readers. When I enter the members area for free I am forced to sign up with the broker in order to gain access to the software. This goes to prove that this is just another free binary options system and none of these have ever worked. It is easy for me to avoid the system because they lied to us earlier using marketing techniques to try and make us order and providing fake images of so-called clients. If you’re really looking to succeed in binary options you can send me an email anytime or look around the rest of my website.
( reviews)
It says it is free to download…but when do I need to start handing over money..isn’t it that you ask for something like $250 or so to get your account started?
That’s what they do Greg, I don’t recommend it, I suggest starting here:
Hi John,
Recently I am seeing quite a few information and reviews about ‘My Cash Bot’ and which has been directed through Greg Marks’s ‘Legal Binary Bot’. As I believe you are a professional in his field. Do you have any information about this Legal Binary Bot and My Cash Bot?
Thanks for your assistance.
Warm regards
Saami Ansari
Is there something in particular you are looking for? I feel the review and comments are straight forward.
why when you fill out my info, you say it will connect and it takes me know where
is this a scam
Not sure if this is a scam but I don’t recommend it.