My Binary Revenge

my binary revengeMy binary revenge is a new free binary options software. The developer of this new software believes that the binary options market is rigged and that he’s tired of being scammed.

Today I’ll be providing a review about this new system and letting the binary today readers understand the potential pitfalls.

My Binary Revenge Review

Despite not being able to spell algorithm, the developer of my binary revenge claims that he’s hacked their algorithm and his binary options software forces “them” to lose and you to win. I’m not really sure what planet this guy is from but I get the feeling he’s a fan of fiction. To me, the entire video and concept he is proposing in it is fiction and thus should not be trusted or taken seriously. Anyone who feels there is some sort of robots making sure that they lose is not facing the flaws in their own trading patterns and habits.

As I enter the members area I am not surprised that the my binary revenge software has all the similar elements of all the unimpressive products in this market. There is a bad video on the front page which I already discussed, a required registration form to the bigoption binary broker and a flaky results table that shows a $3.1 million dollar gain on $250. There is really nothing here that makes me believe that this is any different from the bad binary systems.

Today I will not be recommending my binary revenge to any binary today reader. This is one binary options product I find it easy in avoiding. It’s a shame that after putting out new articles about my income reports that I have to back that up with a review like this. I hope you guys have been finding value in some of the new content I’ve been putting out lately. The trade assistant software is really helping the readers here and the feedback has been great. Make sure that you check it out under the article.

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  1. Linda January 24, 2015
  2. ross January 14, 2015
  3. Mario December 27, 2014
  4. Harley Martin November 6, 2014
    • Flavio November 29, 2014

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