Money Maker Bot Review

money-maker-botMoney maker bot is a new binary options auto trader by Duncan Michaels. Duncan believes that his system is so powerful that it turns over money faster than you can spend it. With Duncan’s system traders don’t have to understand graphs, reports or how to trade signals.

Today I’ll be providing a review so the binary today readers understand if this is a real opportunity or another scam.

Money Maker Bot Review

Duncan tells us that his money maker bot makes so much money that you won’t know what to do with it. He tells us that his system is not a regular trading bot the one that is on steroids. I’m not exactly sure what that means, but I hope it doesn’t mean that it is covered in pimples and has shrunken testicles. Like many systems we’ve seen in the past, the story behind this one is that Duncan took a custom software developed for the hedge funds industry and modified it to trade binary options. He tells us that the robot is proven to trade and 83.8% success rate on all trades and that they have a 24 7 award-winning customer service team. I suggest you send them an email to see how good they really are before you purchase.

There doesn’t seem to be a members area for the money maker bot, when you click start now you just taken to a binary options broker deposit form. There really don’t seem to be any real analysis or results anywhere on this webpage. There are only a handful of testimonials with screenshots of bank accounts. A bank account screenshots really doesn’t show us that a trader is making money from a trading system. We can see that they have money in their accounts but there is the missing middle step which is seen actual trades. There is also no proof these bank accounts aren’t just fabricated screenshots either which has happened many times in the binary options market before.

I won’t be recommending money maker bot to the binary today readers today. I really don’t feel like Duncan Michaels is ready for the big stage and that he should focus on providing us with more information about his strategy and why his system works. In this market it’s just too difficult for us to believe that a system works, we need to see some proof. If you have anything you would like to add to this review please leave your questions or comments below the article now. I look forward to hearing from you and hope that you have a great start to your week.

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