Monaco Millionaire

monaco-millionaireMonaco Millionaire is another binary options software that claims to be making people over $6000 every day. The developers of this software are telling traders that they can legally earn money without having to sell anything or even leave their house.

Today I will be providing a review and evaluating the likelihood that this new trading software will be able to provide traders with an extra $6000 a day.

Monaco Millionaire Review

The Monaco Millionaire web-site consists of a short video, an email subscription form and a background of a marina surrounded by a bunch of palm trees and flying dollar bills. The website is quite unprofessional looking and it certainly doesn’t provide me with a lot of confidence in the product. The video is in line with the website, overstated and pushy. The narrator in the video tells us that after one week using this software that traders are guaranteed a minimum of $42,000 in profits. I’ve certainly heard claims like these in the past and when they are this large and boisterous it never works out the right way.

The video goes on to tell us that the Monaco Millionaire will make traders at least $180,000 by the end of the month. They say that today is our lucky day because making money with this Monaco system is remarkably easy. The story behind the software is a very common one. The developers tell us that it’s been stolen from the mega wealthy Monaco elite and it’s going to make normal hard-working people as rich as they are. It’s a classic Robin Hood steal from the rich and give to the poor story but I really don’t believe it for a minute.

Today I won’t be recommending the Monaco Millionaire software to the binary today readers. There’s really nothing on this website that instills me with the confidence required to make an educated investment decision. This product seems focused too much on story and not on the actual details required to help us understand how it works. If you have something you would like to add to this review please leave your questions or comments below the article now. If you ever need help trading binary options click ask John and send me a personal email.

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  1. GBOLAHAN September 18, 2015

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