Binary arrow is a new trading software. The people behind the system claim that they have the answer to economic security in the path to financial freedom. For some reason isn’t as seen on TV button on this page, this clearly has not been on TV but I’ll try to ignore it and assume that it’s decoration.
Today I’ll be providing a review to let the binary today readers understand whether or not this is a worthwhile financial opportunity.
Binary Arrow Review
The binary arrow website consists of a you tube video, an email subscription form and a handful of buttons. The buttons are quite confusing because 2 of them say that this binary options software won the best broker award. Considering this is not a broker I’m having a difficult time understanding why they put these buttons on their page. I hope they are not confused and don’t understand what a broker is because if that’s the case then we need to run away as fast as we can.
Like most binary options products the binary arrow comes to us in the form of a beta developed by a former investment banker David Baxter who believes that this will transform the life of traders by providing consistent cash flow. Please keep in mind that betas are used to weed out problems for the release of an official product. A beta is a very dangerous and quick way to lose your money. David tells us that he’s used over 20 years of banking secrets to create a software is capable of doing millions of profitable financial calculations and transactions per hour. The only thing I like about this video is the well decorated apartment that David does the video from. Outside of that is a lot of fluff and a bunch of testimonials that don’t prove a thing. David is in providing us with anything different so I really don’t feel this a reason for me to continue reviewing the software.
I won’t be providing the binary today seal of approval for the binary arrow software. While at first the system look like it showed some promise after watching the video it is clear to me they are just like all the other binary developers. The website makes tons of aggressive claims and promises without any proof outside of a few testimonials. Our best course of action is to wait and get the community reaction before we departed in the waters. If you have something you would like to add to this review please leave your questions and comments below. Thanks for coming to binary today and if you ever need any help you can send me a personal email by clicking ask John at the top of the page.