Millionaire Replicator is a new binary options system that allows for traders to clone the accounts of million dollar traders. The developers of this system are telling trade that their software is the answer if you really need something to work. If you can find that starting deposit it could turn into $7,000 by tonight. Again, we have another very aggressive sales pitch.
Today I’ll be reviewing this software and giving the Binary Today readers a place to discuss it further.
Millionaire Replicator Review
The Millionaire Replicator website consists of a short 6 minute video and an email subscription form that leads you to their members area. The video starts off by asking us if we’ve ever seen an x on a treasure map and tells us that we are sitting on it right now and don’t even realize it. The narrator in the video tells us that this system was reserved for the elite and wealthy but now it’s available to you for free. They don’t get into details as to why this is now free and what happened to all the rich people that used to use it.
In the Millionaire Replicator video the narrator really wants us to know what this system is not. He tells us that it’s “not a binary robot put together by a bunch of cheap Indian programmers.” I really don’t appreciate this statement. Makes it seem like all Indian programmers are cheap and bad at what they do. I’ve actually had great experiences with programmers from all around the world and India has some very talented people there. Moving on, the narrator wants us to know that they are not signal provides or using any soft of social trading at all. We are told that the developers of this system test every single bot that’s release and never of them ever make a profit past the first couple of days. Yet, we aren’t told who they are and we can’t access any of their tests.
There seem to be a lot of bold statements made in the Millionaire Replicator presentation but none of them are backed up by any solid proof. There is a table with some results in the members area but this shows an extremely small sample size and it’s nothing we can rely on. If you want to leave a comment about this software or my review please do so now. Thanks for coming to Binary Today.