Infinite Binary Profits is another new binary options software. The developers of this system are telling us that they’ve had beta tester profits of over $250,000 today. The developer of the system tells us that his name is Mike and that he is millions in the bank and the best family he could ask for.
Today I’ll be providing a review and letting the binary today community understand whether or not this beta test is going to be different than all the others.
Infinite Binary Profits Review
The infinite binary profits website is very basic, consists of a YouTube video, an email subscription form and a couple of different counters. At the top of the page we see a counter the tells us the current profits of the beta testers today. This number consistently climbs up every few seconds and is a common tool used by marketers in this space. Much to my disappointment, I found out some time ago that these counters are all falsified. The numbers do not correspond with anything as it’s just a simple script built to randomly and incrementally increase numbers. You can test this yourself by refreshing page. By doing so you will see that the numbers restart at the beginning point of the script. While this doesn’t necessarily prove that this software doesn’t work it does prove that the vendor advertising it cannot be fully trusted.
As for the infinite binary profits video, it leaves a lot to be desired. The video is 6 1/2 minutes long and tells us a simple story about how Mike used to be a stock trader making $1.5 million a year but he wasn’t happy with the hours he was logging because he wanted to spend more time with his family. Then, Mike tells us that over the past few months he’s invested over $100,000 in the creation of his very own super software app. It’s explained in the video that the system is 100% rule-based and it’s winning 89% of it’s trades, but there is never any explanation of the rules so it’s very hard to gauge of the viability of the software.
At this point in time I won’t be giving my recommendation to the infinite binary profits software. With no real results speak up and no strategic discussion the system needs to prove a lot before I get involved. Like usual in cases like these, our best course of action is to allow for the market in the binary today readers to dictate our next move. If the system is winning in a few months from now I’ll know about it and if you’re on my email list you’ll hear about it. Now the time for you to leave a comment and tell me what you think about this software and whether or not you believe it has potential.