Dr. Singh Options

dr-singh-optionsDr. Singh options is a stock options trading strategy that boasts a consistent success record of over 90%. This strategy is based on 35 years of options trading experience often trading 100 million in a single month. The developers of the system claim to personally trade most of their monthly picks in their personal accounts, I would prefer it if they trade all of them.

Today I’ll be providing a review and letting you know if these options trading strategies can make you profitable for the next 12 months.

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Dr. Singh Options Review

Dr Singh is the writer of “Stock Options – Work 1/2 Hour A Day” as well as 12 other books. He’s currently writing is 13th book which is titled “100 NEW MILLIONAIRES – 100 Success Stories of Option Traders.” Singh tells us that if we are successful in making over $1 million by following his picks then our story will be part of his upcoming book. I’m not sure if I necessarily believe that Dr. Singh will make us millionaires but in doing some research I’ve found that his books do exist, which is a good sign. He also claims to be a rare recipient of a PhD from a California university based on his research in stock options trading strategies. It doesn’t specify which California university he received this from so I can’t verify this claims validity.

The Dr. Singh options program provides traders with live classes and webinars where trading strategies are discussed in full. In the results table on the website we can see a record of trades from 2009 to 2015. We can’t see the specific trades and I’m not sure if these trades are those provided to the clients of this system. I believe the point of this table is to prove the validity of Dr. Singh as an options trader. We can see that each year is successful with trade percentages well over 90% and this allows for large annualized net returns. I can’t verify any of these results so we have to take them at face value.

dr singh trading results

No 2016 reports yet.

The Dr. Singh options product has 3 different plans. Plan a costs $95 a month, which comes with monthly options picks via email and access to Dr. Singh’s book. Plan B costs traders $1000 a year and gives traders access to Dr. Singhs trading account, unlimited email support and education. The final plan C is $1500 a year and provides everything from plan a and plan B as well as biotech stocks that are likely to do very well because of the research their analysts do on FDA hearing dates.

While the Dr. Singh options product seems interesting I don’t really feel like this is the type of system we are looking for here at binary today. This is more of a stock-based system and doesn’t play major part in binary options trading. If this isn’t a fully binary options trading system you may ask why I wrote this review and the answer to that is very simple. One of the BT readers asked me to. Please let me know what you think about this system by leaving your comments and questions below this article now. Have a great start to your trading week.


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  1. kamal March 2, 2017

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